You Cannot Go Back After Opening Your Eyes

You can't go back after you've opened your eyes

There are wounds that instead of opening our skin open our eyes. When that happens, there is no other option but to pick up the broken pieces of our lost happiness to rebuild our own dignity. A necessary self-love to move forward with your head held high and your gaze steady, without looking back, without begging for impossible realities …

This act of discovery or awareness of a truth does not always come after a painful act  that hits us unexpectedly and without anesthesia. Sometimes it happens in a sibylline way, after many few who in the end do “a lot”, like a discreet but persistent rumor that in the end convinces us of something that perhaps we already suspected almost from the beginning.

We look but we don’t see

Within a more spiritual conception, it is common to speak of what is known as the “third eye”. It is, without a doubt, an interesting and curious concept that at its roots has a lot to do with this very idea.

Third Eye

For Buddhism and Hinduism , our conscience and intuition are located in this eye that favors an adequate personal awakening. A new state of attention in which we can perceive certain things that at other times escape us.

Because that is perhaps the biggest problem that people have: we look but we don’t see. Sometimes we get carried away by our routines until we become blurred in dissatisfaction. It is also common for us to get caught up in relationships in which we give everything, without realizing that what we get in return is the poison of unhappiness.


It’s time to open your eyes

It was Aristotle who said that our senses are limited to capturing the image of the outside world as a whole. In this sense,  only when there is a clear will can we see the truth, that is when the mind takes authentic contact with its surroundings and its revealing details.

Getting it is not easy. It takes intentionality, intuition, critical sense and, above all, courage to see real situations and circumstances, and not as we would like them to be.

To say that many of us walk through our reality with a blindfold may sound devastating, but when people go in search of a therapist to find the origin of their anxiety, their fatigue, their bad mood and that vital apathy that takes away their encouragement and hope, the professional makes several discoveries.

Man with covered eyes

Sometimes there is a strong resistance to seeing things as they really are. “My partner loves me. Sometimes he treats me badly, but when we fix things, he goes back to being that wonderful person who loves me so much ”. “I had to leave the relationship with that girl because my parents did not like me, but they have always known what was best for me …”


People deny us many times to see things as they are for different reasons: for fear of seeing ourselves and discover, for fear of having to face the truth, for fear of loneliness, not knowing how to react … These Psychological resistances are mental obstacles, defense mechanisms that keep happiness away.

We cannot forget that happiness is, above all, an act of responsibility. Because when one finally succeeds, when we manage to open our eyes, there is no turning back: it is time to act.

As we manage to control and remove the automatic and useless thoughts, little by little those others will arrive where fears, annoyances, and even those images that are recorded in our subconscious and to which we had not paid attention will arrive (a false smile, a contemptuous look…).

It is time to reflect on those sensations and images to ask ourselves why they make us feel bad. The important thing is to avoid justifications and quick judgments (my partner has said that derogatory word to me because surely, I have caused it).

For this exercise to bring results and allow us to open our eyes, we must practice it daily. The truth will sooner or later ascend to us to remove the bandage from our hearts and those bolts where we were trapped and dissatisfied.

After this, we will no longer be the same and there will only be one option, a way out and a personal obligation: to look forward, towards our own freedom and happiness. Staying behind is now strictly prohibited.

Images courtesy of Kelsey Beckett

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