When I Believe In Myself I Awaken My Strengths And I Keep Growing

When I dare to believe in myself, I make brave decisions. Only then does my reality change and I make my way without fear, without fear of what others say, without anguish about what may happen. Self-confidence allows me to grow in the direction we choose.
When I believe in myself, I awaken my strengths and I don't stop growing

When I believe in myself, I make decisions with greater confidence. When I trust my resources, my experience and remember what my values ​​and needs are, I awaken strengths to make my way. Only then do I allow myself to grow and advance by building the reality I want, avoiding obstacles, removing weights from my backpack, leaving what hurts to enrich myself with what may come.

All of this seems easy at first glance. We even like the way it sounds. After all, within the field of personal growth, the first commandment is always to learn to believe in ourselves. However, despite the fact that we have read books, papers and articles on the subject, this is still our unfinished business.

Behind many mood disorders is undoubtedly the lack of confidence, appreciation and appreciation towards the own person. Self-esteem is frayed, the mind is dominated by an internal dialogue used to censoring itself, criticizing itself almost constantly. It is very difficult to get a person to trust their own being when all that is in them are ruins and a deep psychological drain.

Also, something that we must bear in mind is that one does not stop trusting himself from one day to the next. In reality, we are facing a fact that has dragged on for years or even decades.

Generally, it is in our childhood and adolescence when we begin to integrate a series of negative or equivocal schemes and self-affirmations that are creating hollows in our worth and strengths.

The need to detect these wounds and rebuild ourselves is first of all happiness.

Boy in the field representing when I believe in me

The path of growth requires internal transformation

Abraham Maslow, one of the most prominent psychologists of the twentieth century, used to say that people have two options in life. The first is to choose the path of safety; the second, to move towards growth.

Although this is not exactly a simple task. In order for someone to allow themselves to grow and develop according to their dreams, goals and needs, they must deactivate a number of limiting beliefs. Also irrational ideas and embedded fears that you are hardly aware of.

In reality, there are many people who come to therapy presented with this type of realities in which they limit themselves to subsisting, well below their authentic human potential.

However … why is all this happening?

Early experiences that minimized our potential

I know that when I believe in myself I feel happier and more secure. However, I am unable to recognize anything special about myself, I am not skilled, nor have I done anything I am proud of. I have always felt like a stranger in my own skin.

This type of reasoning is very common in those who, from childhood, suffered a clear lack of emotional support. The absence of validation, of secure affection, of that trust that our parents give us so that we are capable of doing things, expressing ourselves, deciding, being autonomous and feeling valuable, undoubtedly causes this problem. This remarkable lack of self-esteem and self-confidence.

At the end of the day, it is very difficult to believe in yourself when no one has made you emotionally visible.

The psychology of belief

In 2016 a very interesting study was published in Scientific Reports . In this work, Dr. Jonas Kaplan and his colleagues discovered through MRIs the power that beliefs generate in our brain. Whether they are political convictions or unfounded ideas that we empower, all beliefs are safeguarded by a complex neural network.

Furthermore, these connections are reinforced by regions with emotional functions. All this makes it so difficult to make someone who has great potential understand that they should believe more in themselves when making decisions.

Therefore, it is not enough for someone to insist on what we are worth. The real change happens when we ourselves “reformulate” those ideas, those harmful and exhausting false schemes.

Happy woman among flowers representing when I believe in me

When I believe in myself I decide with courage

When I believe in myself, I decide better. When I finally dare to question my old beliefs and the ideas that others instilled in me, I shed the rust of fear, the woodworm of insecurities.

It is not easy to carry out that internal cleaning where we eliminate those seeds full of criticism that others instilled in us to the point of convincing us that we could not, that we did not know, that we did not deserve this and that …

We all have potential. We all have the right to position ourselves in life leaving behind that set of beliefs that have limited us so much. It is time to grow up, to choose the path of self-realization as indicated by Abraham Maslow. And we all have internal resources to achieve it.

From today I believe in myself as I deserve, from now on I stop giving importance to the conditions that surround me to understand that it is my decisions that define me. Those that will allow me to overcome difficulties to find the happiness I want, the one I dream of and desire …

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