What Do You See In Your Mirror?

What do you see in your mirror?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see something good? Bad? Does the balance tip towards the defects or, on the contrary, does it fall on the side of the virtues? Are your feelings positive or negative when looking at you?

Many people take their qualities for granted and focus on what they don’t like about themselves. For example, they know they have beautiful hair, but their nose does not convince them. And they become extremely critical of her. However, this can be truly counterproductive in gaining self-acceptance. We all have flaws, but we should put them in the background, loving ourselves for who we are as people.

In the end, what gives happiness is not a beautiful physique, although, it must not be denied, it can help. But if we do not really love ourselves, it will not matter how we are externally, because what fails us is the interior. And, therefore, we will not feel good no matter how beautiful we are.

Don’t let your physique define you

The most valuable thing we have is the interior. It may sound cliché, but it is totally true. The values ​​that we have are very stable, they remain in time and even, sometimes, they do not vary throughout our lives. Therefore, we should take them as a reference when assessing our self-esteem. Because normally the latter is more linked to the physical and it seems that we do not take into account that it is going to deteriorate over the years. It is inevitable and the law of life. For that reason, in the end we always have what is inside.

In the mirror we do not see our true essence. Therefore, do not allow certain features to define you, be more or less beautiful. If you look only at the packaging you will have a wrong opinion about yourself. In the end no one is left alone with that, but wants to open the gift and see what is inside. If they like it, they will stay by your side. If not, you can already be precious or precious, they will move away.

We tend to be more critical of ourselves than others areYou tend to take out more defects yourself than others do. 

Reconcile with your mirror self

Having more or less defects does not make you a better or a worse person. In the end, it is inner beauty that counts. 

And we can see this often in couples. Who has not heard the phrase “what a pretty girl, how can she go with such an unattractive boy?” This type of criticism is made because society is still not aware that we fall in love with a way of being, with attitudes, values, etc … 

Let us accept our appearance as it is, forget the defects and praise ourselves for how beautiful we have , without forgetting and emphasizing who we are as people.

The ideal is always in balance. Nor do we have to forget about the appearance by ceasing to fix ourselves, nor do we have to be obsessed with looking at our physique and the defects that appear over the years. The healthy thing would be to fix ourselves in the way that we feel comfortable, but without the physical being our epicenter. 

Remember every time you look in a mirror that you are not a package, but a magnificent gift for anyone. Power how beautiful you can give. And he reflects in front of the mirror … What is behind this image? The essential is invisible to the eye and each person has a treasure inside. Some manage to find it and others find it a little more difficult. But it is always there, it does not go away. And it is up to us to enhance it or stay on the surface of an image.



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