This Short Will Give You A Lesson On The Value Of The Little Things

Using robots to tell a story about the essence of humanity may be difficult, but this short will teach you more than one lesson. Find out.
This short will give you a lesson on the value of little things

If we talk to you about animated films where their protagonists are robots, we are sure that you will instantly think of WALL-E. Well, we hope that after watching the short we want to present to you, you will make a very special corner in your heart for someone named Bibo and the value of little things.

Bibo is an old robot immersed in strict routines that somehow force him to continue living. His existence is built through small everyday things that give him strength, that give him encouragement …  Bibo sells ice cream and is committed to his work because above all, he makes someone happy, a girl.

Actually, we are sure that after enjoying this short, many questions will arise in your mind, because its creators knew how to choose the character very well, and the context in which it is set very well.

In a way, robots are those apparently artificial and lifeless beings that, at some point in the future, are perhaps condemned to imitate our actions and why not say it, also our emotions. We invite you to reflect on it on this occasion.

Bibo’s Imaginary Life: A Story About the Human Condition

short, BIBO

Bibo lives in a lonely, mechanical and strangely artificial world. In reality, our friend and only protagonist of the story lives in an imaginary world where only the routine of those little things that he does every day offer him encouragement. And even happiness.

We could say without mistake that this character with a square appearance, mechanical and empty inside, actually represents many of the dimensions that characterize us. Humanity, that race that is still above the machines.

  • We too create strong defense mechanisms to protect ourselves from our reality.
  • Sometimes the routines, the habits that are inscribed in the value of the little things are what create entire universes, those that allow us to survive in one way or another. Now,  it is not life in the full sense, but it is a good lifeline through which to maintain strength, dignity.
  • Bibo likes simple things: to warm his feet in front of a stove, swing in a rocking chair and breathe sadness while nostalgia expires … He is a creature that represents very well part of our human condition at a time when humans have stopped exist.

The illusory worlds that keep us standing

We all have our illusions, our inner worlds that are sometimes the only way we find the strength to get up in the morning. This sensation should be punctual, no one should live solely through their defense mechanisms, their dreams and false illusions.

The creators of this award-winning short are Anton Chistiakov and Mikhail Dmitriev. According to them, what they wanted to convey to us in this delicate, symbolic and above all emotional short, was a simple reflection on the cycle of the human being.

  • For a certain time, people fulfill a function in society, just as Bibo did in the past by selling ice cream.
  • Later, there comes a time when everything changes and we are forced to live only from the best memories of the past. We take refuge in that defense mechanism where the value of small things takes us back to yesterday’s emotions that become authentic pillars that give us life to keep moving forward.
  • The human condition in this short is only present in a tin robot that apparently represents the last drives of our own race : melancholy, memory, sadness and that immense affection for loved ones that pushes us to do what impossible. And even to create an imaginary world that no longer exists.

We invite you to enjoy the short. Feel free to share it!


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