The Power To Face Your Fears

The power to face your fears

We often allow fear, worry, and insecurity to dominate and define our lives. We allow them to steal fun, sleep, and our most treasured illusions. If you want to achieve happiness and carry out all your dreams, you must be prepared to take a leap of faith and face your fears.

The reasons why we prefer to keep playing it safe and avoid success is fear of ridicule, looking foolish, getting hurt, facing rejection, or failing. We learn to live in fear from our childhood and because of traumatic experiences or negative messages that we see everywhere. Although fears are not our responsibility, only we can face them and eliminate them from our life.

How can you face your fears?

Facing your fears is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either. Therefore, today we will give you some simple keys so that you can face them without adding more anxiety and stress to your life. Put them into practice and you will see how facing your fears is something that will stop worrying you. Let’s go there!

1. Make friends with your fears

Yes, how you hear it. You have to make friends with your fears. You already know what your fears are, now invite them into your life. Dare to put yourself in the situations that scare you, take a deep breath and take the leap. Only in this way will you learn to break your limits, even if it seems totally crazy.

Boy walking rope

2. Prioritize positive thoughts

To face your fears you have to make your positive thoughts dominate you. Thoughts that relate to fear will only attract more fear, so leave them behind. Instead of always hoping for the worst, train your mind to see and hope for the best. Make room for the best ideas about the future.

3. Subtract energy from fear

Take time, energy and attention away from fear. Become aware of how you spend these three items. It is important to be aware, prepared and focused on finding the solutions that reduce the situations that generate fear. Don’t try to run away. He begins to fight back.

4. Be aware of your victories

Fear feeds on failures and negative ideas that arise from negative events in our lives. Therefore, to face it it is important that you remember and know each victory you have had. We tend to downplay our successes, when they should be our tool to challenge ourselves and persist.

5. Ask for support

Girlfriends drinking coffee talking

Ask your family and friends for support. Family and friends are one of the sources that most trust us. When you feel that you are about to be overcome by your fears, ask for their help. They will surely help you see the alternatives and take the necessary risks. So you can see your situation from different perspectives and open your eyes to a different reality.

6. Laugh at your fears

Our fears, real or imagined, feed off our insecurity. But when we laugh at them and minimize them, we can see them in the proper perspective. By making them the object of our laughter, we take power from them and we take it ourselves, this will make it easier for us to take the challenge and face them.

7. Make a list

Keep a list of defeated fears. Every time you achieve point 1 and have overcome a fear, write it down on a list. This will be a reminder of your ability to cope, and the next time you are faced with a fear, review that list and pluck up the courage to increase it. In addition, this way you will also be able to see your progress and analyze everything from a different perspective.

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