The Mirror Syndrome

The mirror syndrome

The impact of what our reflection offers us on our physique, when we look in the mirror, can affect us in the way we relate to others and also to ourselves. The so-called “mirror syndrome” is more common than we think.

Within the habit of looking at ourselves and analyzing ourselves in front of the mirror, the need may arise to learn to live with the body we have and to analyze our complexes and defects, before looking for them in others.

The mirror syndrome has to do with the behaviors that people have in relation to our own image, distorting it until we see defects or magnify those that we think we have. It could be said that this object that we can have in the room, the bathroom or anywhere in our house, is the mediator in a relationship.

In most cases, the couple composed of a “person and his image” is quite disparate, it can turn into a sick relationship full of problems, suffering, difficulties, worries, fights, etc.

As happens when living with someone, we have to learn to live daily with our body and above all, with what we see through the mirror, which is nothing more than a projection that we make of ourselves.

Mirror, mirror … who is the prettiest? ” said the wicked witch from the Snow White tale. She did her best to always look young and beautiful.

In reality we do not have potions or spells for this to happen, the fountain of youth does not exist, but we do have the ability to love ourselves as we are and above all, accept ourselves, regardless of age, kilos, wrinkles or centimeters.

The mirror syndrome becomes a pathology to attend to when it leads to bulimia and anorexia, two very common disorders in adolescence and especially in women. No matter how thin they lose, girls (and some boys too) will always look fat and ugly, the product of cognitive distortion.

How to cope with the mirror syndrome?


First of all, you have to put aside prejudices and comparisons. We are not better or worse than others, just different.

Fatter, thinner, taller, smaller, less beautiful, uglier… these are only arbitrary judgments. Fashion is changing and beauty standards too. And if not, take a look at paintings from three centuries ago.

Each one of us is beautiful due to its particular characteristics, we are unique and unrepeatable, the most beautiful beings in all of creation. This does not mean to become a daffodil and admire our image all the time, above all things and people, exhibiting the good and handsome that we are, but to learn to love and accept ourselves as we really are.

On the other hand, it is vital to start laughing at yourself, at mistakes and what we don’t like. A touch of humor will greatly alleviate our existence and improve the relationship we have with our body and also with others.

It is also essential to become our best friends and accomplices. What does this mean? Do not prejudge our image by what the mirror gives us back. If we are in good spirits, happy and satisfied, does the size of the hips, belly or nose really matter?

And as a fundamental measure, we must love ourselves so that later we can love others, and they love us. If we don’t respect each other, no one will.

The only person you are allowed to compare yourself to is yourself, no one else. You just have to fight and improve yourself every day, be a better person and develop new skills. You can analyze how you were yesterday and how you are today, but not to criticize yourself, but to know how to act to transcend.

The perception of our physique is only a reflection of our internal state. Beyond what has to do with health, we should not worry about how our body looks. Surely, you will have a different perception of the mirror image, if you look at yourself one day when you are sad and compare it with another where you feel happy.

The moment we accept ourselves as we are, we have the ability to laugh at our mistakes and mistakes, regardless of what the mirror reflects; it is when we are truly balanced and happy people.

When we can laugh at ourselves, then we have the possibility to laugh with others.

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