The Four Elements That Kill Relationships

The four elements that kill relationships

Relationships require a great effort on the part of the people who make it up. Love alone is not enough for a relationship to go well and be long-lasting. Therefore, we have to take into account those elements that kill couple relationships and that we put on the table without realizing it.

These elements that kill relationships are very destructive and can hurt their members in a very painful way. Therefore, if we want to build a healthy relationship, it is necessary that we remove criticism, contempt and many other elements that kill relationships without realizing it.

1. Criticism

Criticism is very common in the couple, in fact it can be said that it is necessary to talk about the aspects that affect or bother us and reach an agreement to solve the situation. However, the criticism that kills a couple’s relationships is one that is made in order to hurt the feelings of the couple, that is, destructive criticism.

This type of criticism aims to make the couple feel guilty to try to get what they want, for example: “You’re late because you don’t care about me.” This situation can cause the victim to have inferiority complexes and can totally end love in the relationship.

Man criticizing his partner

2. Contempt

Contempt in the couple can be shown in different ways: sarcasm, unpleasant nicknames, faces and gestures or indifference, among others. Any of these demonstrations will end up causing a lack of confidence and security on the part of the victim, which inevitably usually leads to separation and / or divorce.

If there is something that has to be present when laying the foundations of a relationship, it is respect for the other person and complete acceptance of who they are. If there is contempt, we are not accepting our partner as he is. We are disrespecting him.

3. Be on the defensive

A person who is always on the defensive is one who does not take responsibility for his mistakes and who looks for excuses to justify himself. Although this is a fairly common attitude in many people, when one of the members of the couple stops completely assuming their responsibilities, it may be the end of the relationship.

This is because the person who is on the defensive will always blame their partner, making the partner feel like the weight of the entire relationship is on their shoulders. This can result in the total death of love and the pursuit of divorce.

4. Look for evasions

When any of the above points occurs, it is common for those who are being victims to feel the need to build an emotional wall to protect themselves. This wall will be formed by evasions that seek to minimize communication to avoid continuing to be hurt.

When evasions occur, there is still the possibility of saving the relationship through good communication that leads to resolution of problems. However, if this situation is allowed to continue, the divorce will not be long in coming.

Troubled couple looking evasive

It is quite clear that the reason why these four elements that kill relationships occur is because one of the members stops showing interest and being involved in the relationship. This causes the other person to try to solve the situation, but if there are no apparent changes, they will end up giving up and leaving the fight.

Have you detected any of these elements that kill relationships in your relationship? If so, be aware of them. Only then can you eliminate them to enjoy a fuller and healthier relationship.

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