The Best Quotes Of Howard Gardner

Read phrases from the controversial Howard Gardner that explain his way of seeing education and the current world
The best quotes of Howard Gardner

Hated and loved in equal parts, we are going to get to know a little better one of the most important figures in psychology of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Through the phrases of Howard Gardner, we can enter the mind of a genius for many or a sellout for others.

Howard Gardner has gained much relevance worldwide through his theory of Multiple Intelligences. According to his studies, the psychologist affirms that human beings are capable of developing different types of intelligence, up to eight. These intelligences would shape a particular profile for each person.

Howard Gardner’s Philosophy

According to the philosophy and theories of Howard Gardner, the concept of unique intelligence has become obsolete. Its main problem would be its reductionism, identifying as intelligent only a small part of the people who are.

We would see the most negative consequence of the conception of intelligence as a one-dimensional psychological process in education: it would only be taught for one type of intelligence, compared to the many that would exist.

Trees shaped like heads representing social intelligence

Now, Gardner wonders what happens to those individuals who show high social, musical, graphic, spatial ability, etc. Could we say that they are smart?

For Howard Gardner, yes they are, although from a traditional perspective they were not identified as such. That is why a total of 8 intelligences differentiates beyond the IQ. Said intelligences would be:

  • Linguistic intelligence.
  • Logical-mathematical intelligence.
  • Visual and spatial intelligence.
  • Musical intelligence.
  • Kinesthetic body intelligence.
  • Naturalistic intelligence.
  • Interpersonal or social intelligence.
  • Intrapersonal intelligence.

Now that we know a little better the theories of this psychologist from Harvard University, let’s find out more about him by reading some of his most outstanding sentences on various topics.


The learning process, according to Gardner, is not only built through talents and intelligences. Also the limitation may be an interesting starting point for development.

The education

Gardner has always been especially critical of the current educational system. For this reason, he considers that the current school must motivate the student to exploit their abilities and capacities, so that each student knows their talents and develops them individually for their own benefit and also for society.

The intelligence

This phrase by Howard Gardner cannot be anyone other than him. This Harvard psychologist is clear that the only way to measure intelligence cannot be the standard test, since it can stigmatize people and they could suffer insecurity and not be aware of their full potential beyond mere IQ.

Multiple intelligences

This is another of Howard Gardner’s phrases that is worth keeping in mind. According to the psychologist, each person is unique, since they have a unique combination of intelligences that makes them special.

Now, current education has an important challenge: locating that potential that everyone has so that it can be developed in a unique and personalized way.

The school of the future

Howard Gardner is clear about what the current and future school should be like. Not all human beings learn the same and have the same interests. Today there is so much to learn that it is difficult to cover everything. However, if we focus on intelligence and potential, we could allow children to develop according to their interests and talents.

Child drawing

The technology

We end this article by introducing one of Howard Gardner’s most up-to-date quotes. The rapid evolution of technology provides us with more and more means to provide an education appropriate to the profile of each student without increasing the cost of this training too much.

This idea is a true revolution, the recognition and use of evidence: each student is capable of learning more and better with a method that adapts to their intelligence profile ; and not only more and better, but also responding to challenges that will be a more secure pillar for your self-esteem, without forgetting that you will be more likely to get involved in tasks that make you flow.

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