Recognize Mistakes To Grow

Making mistakes is a human act, but acknowledging and working on them is an exercise in courage.
Recognize mistakes to grow

No person is happy to receive criticism, even if it is constructive. It hurts us, makes us angry and upsets us to hear from others what we do not do at all well. It is difficult for us to recognize mistakes, but it is a very healthy exercise and necessary for our personal growth.

As difficult as it is to face our failures, if we manage to do so, we will be closer to having a peaceful and happy existence. Acknowledging our mistakes and taking responsibility for them will improve both our internal state and our personal relationships. 

Why is it so hard for us to recognize mistakes?


All human beings need to have a positive image of ourselves. We have to consider that we have positive qualities and value, in order to be at peace with who we are.

We often refuse to look at our flaws in an attempt to preserve our self-esteem. However, this mechanism stems from a basic wrong approach: making mistakes is bad. From this perspective, it is logical and understandable that looking directly at our failures generates rejection. However, the reality is quite different: making mistakes is human. Doing so does not make us bad or unloving people.

Our self-esteem does not have to be based on a fictitious image of us as perfect beings. Self-love means knowing and accepting ourselves with all our qualities, both positive and negative, and continuing to work on ourselves.

That is why people with damaged self-esteem are the ones who find it more difficult to recognize their failures. Despite the fact that, at times, they can externalize an almost narcissistic image, they really do not accept themselves. Whoever is truly at peace with himself does not need to adopt any kind of strategy to deny his faults.

Woman unable to recognize her faults


The role of perfectionism is also very significant in this matter. Individuals with more rigid personalities are more reluctant to accept their mistakes. In addition, they are also tougher when it comes to judging the failures of others. This is because, generally, they observe reality from a dichotomous position: everything is black or white, there is no gray scale. For them to make mistakes is something totally undesirable, and since they aspire to perfection they cannot assume that this will happen.

In this case, it is absolutely necessary to relax your points of view and understand that aspiring to perfection is exhausting and unrealistic. People are not completely good or absolutely bad, we all find ourselves somewhere in the middle of the continuum. Also, since life comes without an instruction manual, we all make mistakes and we have the right to do so.

Recognizing mistakes helps us grow

When someone highlights something negative about us, this awakens intense and unpleasant feelings. But it is necessary to realize that, if this happens, it means that there are parts of ourselves that we refuse to observe. When criticism affects us it is because it is touching a point of us that needs to heal.

It is time to take the reins and gather the courage to get to know each other and look at each other in depth. Once you discover and accept yourself, no other opinion can hurt you. For this, you need to be clear about two things:

  • Making mistakes is human : All people fail at times and this is normal. It is necessary to accept this reality and stop judging and judging ourselves harshly.
  • Acknowledging mistakes is courageous : coming to terms with our faults requires the courage to face our darkest shadows. Doing so is an exercise in humility and a genuine desire to improve ourselves.
Man acknowledging his mistakes

We should not blame ourselves for failing in certain aspects of our life, but we do have to take responsibility. Personal development inevitably goes through a process of introspection in which we discover which areas require work on our part. Acknowledging our mistakes makes us more humane and humble and allows us to improve.

Let’s try to give ourselves and others the freedom to make mistakes and learn from our own mistakes. Let’s be more flexible, tolerant and understanding. No one needs to be perfect to be appreciated by the people around them. To err and accept mistakes is the only way to emotional maturity.

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