Learn To Believe In Yourself In 7 Steps

Self-confidence must be built and nurtured, as does self-esteem. To do this, we bring you some practical tips to increase your self-confidence, something essential to successfully achieve your goals.
Learn to believe in yourself in 7 steps

Believing in yourself is what you need to start the path that will lead you to get what you want.  There is no greater security or higher level of confidence than the one you bring to yourself. If you don’t take that step, if you don’t trust yourself, you have nothing to do.

There are those who believe that if they do not hire him, do not listen to him, do not applaud him or do not trust him, it is because they are ashamed or because stage fright invades them when push comes to shove. But it is not like that. It is the lack of confidence in yourself that causes that fear, that shame.

You need to believe in yourself

Self-confidence is vital. Think about how many things you have stopped doing because you did not trust that you were capable, at least, of trying, how many opportunities have you missed, how many paths left untouched. However, you doubt, you are afraid, you feel complex. And that makes you suffer life instead of living it.

That is why you need to believe in yourself. Because even if others do it, it won’t be valid if you don’t start first. It is useless for them to tell you how much you are worth if you don’t believe it first. And for this, you have to reflect on yourself and discover yourself. You have so much stored in there.

Woman with closed eyes and moon

Good news! It is never too late to take the reins. It is a complex learning process, but learning to believe in yourself is possible. Here are some simple strategies to help you begin to believe in yourself and begin to gain security and confidence. With them you will discover everything you had hidden.

1 – Be aware that self-confidence can be learned

If you are not aware that you can learn to trust yourself you will not succeed. It is the same as studying a language. Would you start studying Chinese if you weren’t convinced that you can do it? If you start to learn something, it is because you trust that you can do it. If you do not trust you will not achieve anything. If you believe in yourself you may not either, but you have not denied yourself the opportunity to try.

Self-confidence can be learned, don’t forget. With a lot of effort and training you can achieve it, you just have to try. Remember that he who does not risk does not win and there is no more beautiful gesture than risking to grow ourselves.

2 – Face your inner negative self

We all have an inner voice that reminds us of our limitations, our fears, that reproduces all the criticisms that we store in childhood and adolescence. Face that inner self-critic you have and reaffirm yourself. Remember that you decide, not that voice that accumulates so many toxic experiences.

Our inner critic can be very severe because of his great capacity to induce guilt, but you too can face it and be brave, remembering that it is nothing more than a repeater of those messages from your childhood. Face him and soften the inner voice that you carry within.

3 – Turn your weaknesses into strengths

Turning a weakness into a strength requires a degree of creativity, but it is possible. What’s more, if you turn your weaknesses into strengths it is easy for you to find yourself with an incredible new opportunity. Remember every mistake, every difficulty and every obstacle that comes our way, they can be great engines of opportunities and continuous learning.

Brave woman with wings

4 – Discover what your true potential is

One of the reasons many people do not believe in themselves is because they have not been able to explore their concerns and develop their passions or have done so without the support and approval of others. Get rid of that limitation and explore what your talents are, discover where your true power lies.

Launch yourself on the adventure of doing what you always wanted and did not do, of starting the idea that one day it was only a sketch or that plan you dreamed of but never got to enjoy. Discover your qualities, your talents, your lights and start expanding them. 

5 – Become your own coach

You don’t need anyone to come and cheer you up, lift your spirits, or remind you that you can. A little help doesn’t hurt, but you must learn to be self-reliant and emotionally independent. Everything you need to hear you can say to yourself in front of the mirror.

Instead of verbally abusing you, he begins to treat you with love and enthusiasm. Love yourself and get motivated. Send yourself positive and optimistic messages that serve as reinforcement because there is nothing better than knowing how to speak well to yourself. Out with contempt and self-reproach, begin to empower yourself.

6 – In your mind, become the superhero you want to be

Superhero, superstar, super success… anything goes. Imagine that you are what you want to become, that you have achieved your goals, that you do not carry the limitations that make it difficult for you to achieve your dream. Wear your superhero costume and you will be a superhero, because you will act like one. You just have to believe it.

Your attitude will change others and protect you from their limiting criticisms. You will turn with enthusiasm, with a goal, and you will have a marked course. But remember that your superhero costume is not a costume, but a second skin. Make it yours, feel that it belongs to you and identify with it .

7 – Empower yourself

Create a powerful vision of yourself. Trust yourself and your abilities. True self-confidence comes from developing a positive and empowered self-vision. Sit down, close your eyes and feel your inner power, that fire that charges you with energy and will allow you to achieve your goals.

Images courtesy of Sonia Koch, Claudiatremblay

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