If I Could Give You A Gift

If I could give you a gift

If I could give you a gift, I would give you a look from my eyes, because you don’t know everything that is seen. You see a wonderful person, you see things that no one else can see and I am lucky to be able to give it to you. Through my eyes, who do see you and who also look at you.

I see a mature person, but that does not stop doing nonsense. I see a strong person who has managed to overcome what was coming without lowering his arms or cursing the same wind of fortune that has pushed you on other times.

From my eyes I see a crazy person, who knows how to make people laugh and the best thing is that they are always ready to do it. I see a person eager for adventure, who weaves his wings patiently but eagerly, who wants to squeeze out experiences and not sit on the couch; who does not give up writing a part of the script of his life, knowing that the other part will give it to you in writing.

If I could lend you my eyes for a while, you would see everything that I love you and everything that I keep from both of you; Although our sum is a strange account, since the result always gives more than what we are. You would see that each memory is kept in a safe, because they are so valuable that they can never be lost, the key to open it is only known by you and me.

I would also give you all my secret plans, everything I want for both of us, because even if we have been together all our lives, we still have many memories to collect … because wanting to live, and living with desire, nobody wins us.  I would also like to be able to catch all your fears so that you could always sleep peacefully, that you know that I am going to take care of you, I will try to do it as well as you do with me.  You and I make our own dictionary that begins with complicity. 

Two little sisters in a toy wagon

I give you everything I want for you

That’s right, I give you the knowledge that I am going to try by your side on the days that you behave the worst with me because I suspect that those days will be when you will need me the most.  Yes, I am telling you from my own experience. Because I also give you my most hateful days: I know that you will be able to rescue something of value from them.

I give you the knowledge that you can unload with me just like the rain does when it soaks the ground. I give you all the peace you need and I give you the love you deserve, even if I sometimes have to queue to give it to you.

I give you a conversation at night, a beer in the afternoon and the five minutes that you always ask before getting up, I give you everything you want, because you give it to me too. I give you the vision of the world that we share, because between the two of us we do it better. We see it in the same chromatic scale from different points and the best thing is that we complement what one lacks with what the other has left over.

I want you to keep flying and know that I will always be at your safe base. You can walk away for a while without fear. A hunch tells me that you will return and I will be here: you can say and do, because I will support you, although sometimes not in the way you want.

Keep meeting goals and crossing out goals from your long list,  keep including me in your plans because you don’t know how happy that makes me. Keep on with that smile and with your crazy things, keep making everyone around you dance, keep filling the life of all of us who are lucky enough to share it by your side.

Love is not just a matter of couples

Love is this, complicity and happiness, what gives life and drives and that is how I feel, because ours can also be from another planet, ours can also be special … and although we do not have butterflies in our guts, it is true love , it is sisterly love.

Sisters hugging on the beach

I give you each one of the times that you have made me love you. I’ll give you the bill: there are a thousand a day. I give you each of the laughs that you have filled and I also give you all the love you give me, in such an intimate way that it has become ours from yours.

I cannot give you my arms, but I can if I want to give you the strength that I am capable of generating with them. I can’t fix them for you because I’ve compared a lot of empty boxes for us to fill together. Because in our hands is the possibility of continuing to do magic and square the meaning of the blood that unites us and makes us sisters.

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