Ichigo Ichie: Japanese Philosophy To Enjoy The Moment

What is happening here and now will never happen again. The philosophy contained in the term “ichigo ichie” invites us to rethink many of the things we do on a daily basis, so that we can lead a fuller existence.
Ichigo Ichie: Japanese philosophy to enjoy the moment

Ichigo Ichie translates to “what is happening now will never happen again.” Do you think about it often? The fleeting nature of time is such that many times, we are not aware of it. Life escapes us like the sand on the beach that is blown away by the wind or that falls from our hands. Everything is rush, pressure and we have become somewhat blind when it comes to appreciating the moment.

People are complicated, it’s true. Perhaps, for this reason, we are so struck by Japanese culture and philosophy, so oriented to simplify things, to endow them with an order and an elemental simplicity with which to harmonize existence. It never hurts, therefore, to learn new concepts rooted in your traditional legacy.

Thus, not long ago we became familiar with the ikigai, which invited us to have a vital purpose, a route plan or a reason for being. Now, a concept is introduced from the Far East that is directly nourished by tea ceremonies. To do this, we must visualize a classic wooden construction in the middle of the forest and ourselves being participants in this ritual.

Calm, serenity, attention focused on the present moment, the senses oriented to capture each sensation, each flavor and each emotion… What was experienced in these ceremonies had to be extrapolated to any moment of life. Let’s dig a little deeper.

Tea cups representing Ichigo Ichie

Ichigo Ichie : appreciate the present opportunity

In many of the traditional tearooms in Japan, you can see a table with a very specific message: Ichigo-Ichie. Those who read it already know that it has several meanings: “what is happening now will never happen again” or “once, an opportunity.” It should be noted that yes, this term has nothing to do with our classic carpe diem.

The ichigo-ichie does not seek to take advantage of the present as if there were no tomorrow. What he proposes is a more serene and focused vision, the one where he does not seek exclusive enjoyment, delight or pleasure. It has to do with awakening our attention span, all our senses and capturing what is happening. Once we feel that moment, we must value it and understand that that imprint of time, that moment will not be repeated.

Let’s discover the principles that govern this philosophy.

Special moments are created

We often tell ourselves that special moments come and go, that it is chance that weaves them. It’s a mistake. We must bear in mind that we live in a hurried present, full of tensions, worries and pending tasks. Special moments do not arise if we do not promote them.

In Japan, the tea ritual is more than just that time when family or friends get together to drink that millenary drink. It is a ceremony that is programmed and in which one goes mentally aware of its importance. It is a time to meet with loved ones, it is a fragment of life that must be appreciated as it deserves.

Say hello and goodbye saying Ichigo Ichie

In order to be aware that each moment with ours happens once in a lifetime, the Japanese often use the expression ichigo ichie to say hello and say goodbye. A hello and a goodbye transmuted into this beautiful concept endows that unique and unrepeatable nature that we are living with greater significance.

All possibilities reside in the present

Yesterday no longer exists, tomorrow is not perceptible or healthy to anticipate in our mind. What really matters is what we feel here and now, it is in the present where all possibilities open. However, the ichigo ichie reminds us that we will only see them if all our senses are connected to what is happening.

In the ritual of tea in the forest, the guests strive to place their full attention on each sensation, on each detail that surrounds them: the sound of the wind, the crackle of the trees, the smell of the wood of that tea house. , the warmth of the glasses still hot when holding them in the hands, the smile of the companions … Every detail matters.

Image of japan symbolizing the Ichigo Ichie

If you don’t like your surroundings, change it

This concept of Japanese wisdom reminds us that “what is happening now will never happen again.” Now … what if what surrounds me does not make me happy? The ichigo ichie tells us clearly: you have to enjoy the moment, therefore, if you don’t like what you have, you should change it.

We are all active agents of our destiny and it is precisely in the here and now where all opportunities open up. Look at what surrounds you, generate changes, look for other paths and then delight yourself with what you have achieved.

Look for the connections

The racing mind does not see coincidences and does not connect with its environment. The attentive mind, which is nourished by the ichigo ichie,  is capable of detecting those aspects that are in tune with one’s own personality, with one’s passions, desires, emotions, thoughts … Sometimes, traveling on the bus you can delight in aspects of your city that you find inspiring.

Sometimes, in the middle of a crowded avenue, you find someone who for whatever reason attracts you and catches your attention. The present moment is unique, it is a temporary photograph that will never be repeated again. We must train our approach to enjoy those moments, to know that there are things that only have one chance.

Let’s take advantage of them.

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