Give Yourself Permission To Change, Heal, Connect With Yourself …

I give myself permission to change when I feel like it and need it. I give myself permission to take care of myself, to heal myself, to attend to my fears and to reduce the labyrinth of my anxieties. Practicing self-care is the best strategy in times of difficulty.
Give yourself permission to change, heal, connect with yourself ...

Before the arrival of the unexpected, of what is beyond your control, give yourself permission to change and be able to adapt to that new situation. But first, remember, you must give yourself time to heal what hurts, take a breath and calm the fears of the mind, the anxiety of the heart. Also look for corners where to hug yourself slowly and connect with you, without haste, with affection …

Viktor Frankl used to say that when a situation is good we should enjoy it. When it is bad, our obligation is to change it. Now, in those situations in which certain things cannot be altered, or put in our favor, or even less transformed, we only have one option: to transform ourselves. It is a great truth that we should take into account.

Life is itself a constant change. But most of the time, these alterations are subtle, we do not perceive them because we simply let ourselves be carried away by its rhythm, by its complacent lullaby to move forward, mature, go through transitions.

However, sometimes unforeseen things happen before which, we are forced to change, to alter priorities, to reformulate many of those aspects that defined us.

However, let’s be clear about it. A transformation will never place us in an uncomfortable position or away from our roots, values ​​or principles. Quite the opposite.

Woman with strings in her hands representing the need to give yourself permission to change, heal, connect with you

Give yourself permission to change and heal (psychological self-care in times of crisis)

In times of crisis or difficulty it is more necessary than ever to practice self-care. This is not an empty or well-meaning term from the self-help literature. Self-care is being sensitive to our needs and solving them. It is to strengthen self-esteem, take care of mental approaches and emotional management to face problems, heal wounds and awaken potentials.

Self-care is not self-indulgence for momentary pleasure, such as we get from a hot bath or a weekend trip. In reality, it is giving yourself permission to change when the context forces you, it is offering you spaces to listen to yourself and commit to yourself in the daily task of psychological well-being.

Moreover, studies as interesting as the one carried out at Queen’s Kingston University, Canada, by Dr. Clive Godfrey, show us that this exercise, this approach, helps people prevent diseases, reduce the impact of anxiety and to essentially improve both mental and physical balance.

I give myself permission to become the person I want to be

Give yourself permission to change when you think so, when you need it. If you don’t like that version of yourself in your relationship with your partner, with your family, or at work, change it. Because sometimes we have tried so hard to fit in, to be what others want and hope that we have unintentionally diluted ourselves. We have stopped being ourselves to be someone we do not like.

On the other hand, there are times when unforeseen events arise in a rush. And as is well said, when a difficulty comes, many more accompany it until we have a whole battalion of small adversities before us. In these circumstances there is only one option: accept and face them.

To do so, we must awaken a better version of ourselves. Someone more confident, resourceful, patient, and resilient.

A change is not necessarily painful, it only involves adding more layers to the existing ones. Some where patience, courage, self-esteem that nurtures and confers self-confidence, transcendence, that encourages us to overcome ourselves through difficulty is integrated.

Girl making heart shape thinking about the need to give yourself permission to change, heal, connect with you

Time to connect with ourselves and heal hurts, worries and anxieties

There is a new version of you that is about to bloom. Difficult days will end up fraying themselves to allow the entrance of light, of balance. At that point, you will no longer be the same person. Because when you give yourself permission to change, the resistance and the old schemes fall to be someone more flexible and also more free.

But that process takes time and self-care. You must give yourself more permissions, such as connecting with yourself to know that it is normal to feel fear in the face of the unexpected. You must also give yourself time to get out of the labyrinth of worries and that tunnel of anxiety, where everything looks black and the present fades as you anticipate a future of fatalities.

We must find the balance, heal the gaps that others left, the scars that the past placed in the chest of our memory and the disappointments that destiny brought us. All this must be aired, oxygenated with more flexible and hopeful mental approaches, in which self-care is never lacking.

Only in this way will we advance without hesitation towards vital progress, towards that future where we can feel proud of ourselves. Also aware that nothing will be easy, but we will be prepared and committed to work on our happiness.

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