Family Christmas: 7 Guidelines To Enjoy

Family Christmas: 7 guidelines to enjoy

“Christmas is not a date; it is a state of mind ”. That’s how Mary Ellen Chase spoke, but what about those people who don’t live it like that? This article is especially aimed at them, in which we collect a series of guidelines for enjoying or, at least, supporting Christmas as a family.

Because, as much as the vast majority of people who celebrate these beloved dates enjoy their parties, it is not something that can be generalized to everyone. So, while some try to be more empathetic and happy, others see no reason to do anything special, and even suffer throughout these days for having the feeling of being forced to celebrate in some way something that they do not want to celebrate.

Christmas tree with balls

Guidelines to enjoy Christmas with the family

Be that as it may, and as Charles Dickens said, “I will honor Christmas in my heart and endeavor to preserve it throughout the year. ” That is, it does not seem like a good idea to be extreme these days, neither from a negative point of view nor exceeding ourselves wanting to be happier and more empathetic for only 20 days. For later … what?

The fact is that we can find various reasons for not enjoying a family Christmas. Either due to quarrels with other members, because a loved one is not there or simply because they are dates that we may not like. However, there are options to endure them, and even to have fun. Thus, at least, the psychologist Graci Molines considers it, as we see below.

Wish it so

The first key is to want to have fun. As much as they may be some dates that you do not like, or that there are problems in the family, it is still a good occasion to enjoy, strengthen ties and have a good time. So the willingness to make the holidays positive is basic.

Christmas family dinner

Distinguish the important from the superfluous

If you are with your family, wanting to argue for the slightest, do not doubt that you are going to get it. But, on the contrary, if we try to be receptive, and not on the lookout for any comment or act without too much importance to “jump”, we will not only give ourselves an opportunity to enjoy but we will also make others have a good party. They, the people we love, are always a good reason not to fight precisely to wear it on dates in which feelings predominate, for those who live it and wait for them with pleasure.

Focus on the positive

Christmas is a good time to focus on the positive, and not the other way around. So if family gatherings seem tedious to you, try to focus on what you like best about them. Surely there is a person you especially appreciate, fun times and endearing moments that you can enjoy.

Improve your mood

Forget the wizened face and go to family Christmas gatherings wanting to add, to contribute, to influence. By doing so, you not only give pleasure to others, but you include yourself and it will be more difficult for you not to get something good out of a celebration that is partly adapted to what you want.

Family having dinner at christmas

Look for the empathy that is in you

Once again …  the eternal empathy, always so necessary. In this case, in the middle of a family Christmas, it is basic. If you are able to understand the motives of others, and even put yourself in their place, surely this time will be much more bearable and, who knows, you may even enjoy it. In this sense, in some way, if you manage to connect with the feelings of those who enjoy them, it is easier for you to end up doing it too.

Respect others

Very similar to the previous point. In this case, remember that each person is different and has their own way of seeing life. So, as difficult as it may be at times, you need to respect others. Listen to their views and, even if you don’t share them, at the very least, be respectful of their ideas.

Don’t bring up tricky topics

Finally, the psychologist offers us a very important guideline. During a family reunion, where everyone knows each other well, we know that there are topics that can cause discomfort. So, especially at Christmas, why bring them up? Surely this is not the time to make anyone uncomfortable.

Family giving each other gifts

Family Christmas doesn’t have to be hard for anyone. Be that as it may, take advantage of these guidelines to enjoy it with your people. In fact, these keys will not only help you get through these dates, they will come in handy at any social gathering. Take advantage of them!

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