Do You Know The Psychological Benefits Of LEGO?

Do you know the psychological benefits of LEGO?

As incredible as it may seem, the psychological benefits of LEGO are much more interesting and varied than we can imagine. In fact, this simple construction game can even externalize our system of emotions and beliefs.

So at least María Teresa Mata, a well-known psychologist, believes that this process of free construction has very positive effects. The first, contributes a great capacity to develop emotional intelligence. In addition, it is ideal for business coaching and psychotherapy. We see how?

Psychological benefits of LEGO

LEGO is still a trademark. However, these types of construction games are very common in toy stores. Hence, it is a very accessible tool for companies and psychologists, who find excellent benefits.

LEGO as a working tool

An important point of the psychological benefits of LEGO is its use as a work tool in the world of business coaching. Being a dynamic based on the representation of ideas, free construction shows that it is very efficient, since it generates great information.

What’s more, the LEGO Serious Play Method has even been patented, which is being revolutionary, as it offers great benefits in conflict resolution  as it provides a large amount of information.

Many pieces put together to explain the psychological benefits of lego

It is also being used as an element of coaching or training of emotional intelligence. Being an outsourcing technique, it promotes creativity and unleashes imagination, expression, the ability to obtain objectives and even the projection of challenges. It even promotes empathy!

Starting to build is connecting to another level

According to Mata, LEGO buildings make connections to new levels. As you begin to put pieces together, creativity and imagination, along with manual work, start mental processes that allow the observer to reach a deeper knowledge of the individual.

Thus, thanks to construction, new communication levels are reached. In fact, it is achieved with oneself, but also with others. Why? Because when transferring the technique to a work team, family, etc., a lot of information becomes visible.

Construction games allow each individual to offer a small sample of how they perceive the world. Thus, various types of points of view are revealed, achieving a greater promotion of dialogue and empathy.

Appearance of new messages

According to Mata, the messages that are received when using this technique are fresh. They are achieved through the association of ideas and creativity, which implies that they possess great ingenuity, even wisdom, something that cannot be observed a priori  with other methods.

Among the psychological benefits of LEGO is a wealth of information that otherwise goes unnoticed. But thanks to these messages, new solutions can be found, since it promotes a training of emotional intelligence.

Knockdown of unconscious barriers

Another benefit of construction games is found in the demolition of unconscious barriers. Those shields that appear almost unintentionally in any social interaction, disappear and slowly fall through the LEGO pieces. A greater connection is achieved with one’s own knowledge, and also with that of others.

It also increases the resolution capacity. Sometimes we feel incapable of solving problems, as we cannot find the necessary information within ourselves.

According to Mata, thanks to the construction of LEGO, it is possible to find that information, expose it, order it and validate it. Thus, the skills training framework is broadened.

Expression of the abstract

In relation to emotional intelligence, construction offers an excellent field to express the abstract and synthesize the complex. Thus, it is possible to simplify the processes, at the same time that fantastic information is obtained to improve the efficiency of the actions.

Legos of different characters

By training emotional intelligence with a free construction, it connects with an implicit knowledge that has been established during the life span of the individual. In this way, by complementing creative scenarios, the user builds, observes and projects, distances himself from his creation, finding information to solve conflicts, for example.

Did you imagine the amount of psychological benefits of LEGO for the human being ? There is no doubt that, being used wisely, this game can be a real advance to get to know each other a little better.

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