Curiosities Of The Language

One of the curiosities of language is that the ability to articulate it arose around 160,000 years ago. As you can see, it is a novelty, if the age of the universe is taken into account. Let’s see more curiosities.
Language curiosities

The curiosities of language remind us that this is one of the most complex and finished products of the human being. While all species communicate, only humans have given rise to a broad, structured, and elevated system of signs and symbols.

It could not be classified as one of the curiosities of language, but it is a fact that shows us in a very evident way the degree of complexity of human communication: only human beings have writing. Beyond the skills that this implies, the truth is that it is what has allowed us to make a historical collection of culture.

Likewise, the ability to articulate and vocalize the human being is much more evolved than that of any animal. The phonatory apparatus is extremely elaborate and therefore it is possible to give rise to an endless number of phonemes, expressed in the more than 7000 languages ​​that are spoken  in the world. The following are other curiosities of the language.

Friends talking about the curiosities of language

Some curiosities of human language

One of the curiosities of human language is that, although there are so many thousands of languages, about 12% of humanity speaks the same language: Mandarin. As is known, the Chinese have a large population and that is what generates this high percentage.

And just as there are so many living languages, it must also be said that there are about 9200 dead languages. That means that more languages ​​have died than those that remain alive. Languages ​​such as Dalmatian, Manx, Classical Egyptian, or Latin itself did not survive time.

The worst thing is that it is estimated that currently a language dies every 14 days, generally, these belong to small communities. The Bible is the book most translated into other languages: 2,454 in total. And it must be said that the Vatican ATMs do have instructions in Latin.

The fantastic world of languages

Another of the curiosities of language has more to do with the human being than with language itself: people speak alone. It has nothing to do with mental disorders or anything like that. From very early in life, babies make monologues. These are usually little stories that they make up and tell each other and are key to their mental development.

So important is language that learning a second language has been found to be one of the ways to protect the brain from deterioration of neurons. In fact, bilingual people have also been found to have better brain performance and reduce or slow down the chance of developing dementia.

And speaking of learning languages, it is believed that the easiest of all those that exist is one called “pirahán”. This is spoken by a small community in the Amazon that has the same name. This language only has 10 phonemes, it does not have a past grammar, and it does not have numbers or colors. Only 150 people speak it.

Hands with disguised fingers speaking languages

More curiosities of the language

Another of the curiosities of the language has to do with Spanish. This is considered the “fastest” language in the world. What is the speed of a tongue? This is established based on the number of syllables that can be pronounced per second. This makes Castilian the fastest language of all that exist.

Many think that spelling is just a drag and that it is of no use. However, it is not the same to say that a “candle” was burned, to say that a “Syrian” was burned. Gabriel García Márquez also once said that he understood the importance of spelling when he noticed that saying “revolver” was not the same as “revolver”. Everything has its reason for being.

Even so, the Royal Academy of the Language is increasingly lax in admitting words that at first glance seem incorrect. For example, he has admitted words like “abundant” for abundant; “Interrupt” for interrupting; “Drowsiness” for drowsiness; “Reencounter” to reencounter … It is the habitual use of these words that has made them correct.

There are many other curiosities of the language that can be left out. Of course, it is a whole universe in which each word, and even each letter, has a story that, in general, is quite extensive and interesting.

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