Bad Times Bring True Friends

Bad times bring true friends

There are people who help us not to fall into the most complicated moments. People who offer us their time and love to make us feel better. A shoulder to cry on that does not ask you for anything in return, but gets its gratification when we achieve the emotional relief that is so necessary in bad times. They are our true friends.

Therefore, as they say, in your worst moments you will know who deserves to be in the best. Because these people are an anchor of reality, a support, a hitch towards our life and the good things that they harbor in it.

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Emotional communication, based on bad times

We tend to think that the people around us should read between the lines. To the question “what is wrong with you?” we usually answer a “nothing” or some words of indecipherable content. We make the mistake of being terse when it comes to putting words to our most distressing emotional experiences.

So watch out !! Beware of falling into the error that others can guess our conflicts and our discomfort. If we do not explicitly communicate our story, it is possible that many of those around us will not accept the seriousness of our condition.

It is dangerous to play fortune tellers and, as most of us have probably already experienced, it is common that if we allow ourselves to be guided “by expectations” we make a huge mistake.

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When we talk about relationships, reasons such as “I would do it for you” or “you should have seen it” are not valid. No. It is important that we make our spirits known and that we ask for help. Contrary to what it may seem to us, that does not make us vulnerable.

In this sense, it is positive that we become aware that in part we are the ones who let “some people in and not others”, who, with the expectations that accompany us, put the performance of others in check.

Therefore, when someone disappoints us, we must also analyze our behavior in the most objective way possible. We must avoid that “I in his place would have done” and put other words to the conflict and disappointment.

Doing a bit of devil’s advocate I will tell you that it is necessary to exalt the need to try to abstract who we are and get into the other, in their thought patterns, in their emotions, in their reality. This will save us more of an upset.

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When communication flows: emotional support

It is wonderful to have people in life who “are there” precisely when we need them. Of that we have no doubt. Those hugs and shared silences complete us at times when emotional emptiness haunts us.

They portray in their permanence the face of sincere appreciation, of kindness, of the metamorphosis of the relationship, of push, of emotional support, of the “little bearable” unfathomable sadness, of our disconnection, of our impatience, our despair, our self-deception .

Woman releasing birds from a cage

It is not that the presence of those we love the most requires great gestures or courtesy visits, rather we talk about the company, the words of encouragement, the encouragement we need. Thus, those who are in those moments in which we are not pleasant or attractive, in which we discharge our frustrations and are unfair, in which suffering prevents us from being considered, deserve to be by our side in the good moments.

Whoever remains, on the fringes of everything, by our side when we are in darkness, deserves to accompany us in moments of great luminosity. They deserve gratitude, warmth, affection and joy. They deserve a worthy and worthy celebration, they deserve their reward.

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