A True Friend Comes When Everyone Leaves

Real friends are a fundamental part of our life, they are the family that we choose. Have you ever wondered the difference between a true friendship and a fake one? Here we explain it to you in detail.
A true friend comes when everyone leaves

A true friend will never part with you. In the darkest moments of your life, when everything may seem to lose sense and you see no way out anywhere, just at the moment when everyone has left and there is no one by your side, he appears to console you and show his unconditional support.

A true friend can be your light when you find yourself in the dark, the engine that will help you start in moments of stagnation and weakness, the piece you need to complete that fundamental puzzle that makes up your life. A true friend is a treasure.

What is a true friend?

How could we define a true friend? It is not easy to find the words to describe that person who does not set conditions and is by your side at all times, and almost without any conditions. Maybe a quote from someone wiser than me will get us out of doubt.

Hugging friends

Because a person who loves you, someone who calls himself a friend, will never separate from you, he will come to your side whenever you need him, even if you don’t call him. You will both have a bond that nothing can break. Neither distance, problems or darkness will be able to separate a relationship that has united two souls in love, understanding and affection.

Differences of a true friend versus a false one

If you want to learn to differentiate a true friend from a false one, maybe I can help you, since throughout my life, I have met all kinds of people, and I can assure you that in the end you learn to distinguish dust from straw. Here are some differences that can help you distinguish between a false friend and a true friend:

  • A true friend, whenever he asks you for something, it is because he really needs it. Moreover, if you really have a deep relationship, he will not have to say anything, because with a simple look, you will know that he is in trouble and it will come out of you to help him.
  • Never forget that a fake friend is easily distinguishable. He will try to be an important person in your life, but he will probably only want something from you. Perhaps he is a toxic person that prevents you from evolving, the only thing he wants from you is your money, or perhaps he envies you and is actually putting stones in your way to justify your relationship and always have you tied up.
  •  A true friend will never do anything to harm you. He will not sell you perks nor will he have to justify himself to you. If you feel that a person who is next to you is trying to take advantage of you by their actions and words, and not because it comes directly from your heart without being asked, run away from it because it is very toxic and is far from being as their words say.
Friend drinking coffee

The glow of a true friend

A true friend shines in your heart at all times because he never runs away because of many potholes in the road. Even though the scene is dark and the madding crowd moves away from you, he will remain by your side because he loves you like no one else in the world loves you.

You can be wrong, and a true friend will tell you. He will sit in front of you, look you in the eye, and speak to you clearly, sincerely and lovingly. You screwed up, but I’m not going to abandon you . I am going to help you on the hard path that awaits you now to emerge afloat after your mistake .

You will never see a true friend flee from battle. You can be in a thousand wars, and he will always be by your side  to help you, support you, protect your back, guide you along the way and give you good advice at all times. It does not matter that everything turned dark and the great crowd that was next to you leaves.

In reality, it was all noise because, in those moments of low light, when lanterns are needed to keep walking, that’s when a true friend shines like the morning star and accompanies your soul to get out of any quagmire. Think of these words.

Review your relationship with the people around you. Listen to the people who spend their lives and days with you. Speak with your heart and look those who are next to you in the eye. Only then will you be able to know if someone close to you is a true friend, or if they just say or believe they are.

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