10 Keys To Living Without Stress

Stress depends on both internal and external factors, on things we can control and things we cannot. However, we can learn to manage it in another way. For example, controlling what depends exclusively on us. Now you will see how
10 keys to living without stress

Living without stress is undoubtedly the dream of many people who feel trapped by this unpleasant feeling. However, a small daily dose of stress is necessary to keep us active, awake and ready to face daily challenges. Stress is not as bad as it seems, the bad thing is to let yourself be carried away by it, so that in intensity and duration it is greater than what we can manage.

In any case, in this article, when we refer to living without stress, we will refer to living without that overwhelming stress that is impossible to manage. For this you do not need to go so far, or dream of the impossible.  In this article we give you 10 basic keys so that you learn to enjoy and be happy with what you have.

Some keys to living without stress that you cannot ignore

Take note; living without stress is possible

1. To live without stress you must act

Sometimes when we have a problem that we don’t know how to solve, we go round and round in our heads. If we dare not face our difficulties, we usually look for convoluted excuses and explanations to run away from them.

The solution is to take the bull by the horns and act. Usually, the easiest way to solve this is to get to the point. What is better: the tension of the moment at the time of the performance or a state of stress sustained over time by not acting? Living without stress is taking action and taking initiative. Confront what bothers us and verify that it was not so terrible.

2. Practice optimism

To be optimistic is to see the positive side of things, despite being aware that misfortunes, injustices and setbacks happen. There are events that we cannot change and that we must accept. But what is in our power is the way in which we take them and the attitude with which we face what happened.  In short, what they contribute and teach us.

Therefore, if you are a negative person, you can try to force yourself one day to see all the good that you have around you. Your family, your qualities, potentialities, what you have achieved … Even if it seems absurd and ridiculous at first, with regularity and perseverance, you will end up getting used to seeing life differently. Have you tried and stopped complaining a whole week?

3. Improve your self-esteem

Are you happy with your relationship with yourself? Do you treat yourself well? You take care of yourself? It is difficult to be in harmony with the rest of the people around you, if you are not with yourself. Stop being so demanding and self-sabotaging.

Love yourself, love yourself for who you are and who you are. If your self-esteem is strong, optimism will come out on its own and your quality of life will improve enormously.

4. Healthy habits

To live without stress it is necessary to take care of mind and body. We already know that certain habits such as eating after hours or the consumption of alcohol and drugs harm our health. Try to eat more moderately, to eliminate certain products with too much fat or sugar, to play sports regularly and to sleep well.

5. Planning and approach

When we are subjected to habitual stress, it seems that we lack hours a day to do all our obligations. It may be so. Therefore, it is better to organize ourselves , and do a functional and practical planning that allows us to see what priority each thing has and what can be postponed.

The same thing happens when you are asked at work to perform five different tasks immediately. The best thing is that you focus and focus on what is truly relevant. Choose the task that is most urgent. Use your judgment and focus as hard as possible.

6. Be smarter than him and you can live without stress

If you notice that your stress is increasing dangerously in recent weeks, stop and think. Your emotional intelligence is what helps you to realize that your body is making an overexertion, that you are distressing. Recognizing it and trying to find calm again is an essential skill for living without stress.

But it is not achieved overnight. It requires practice and self-knowledge. By stumbling over the same stone, we realize what affects us the most and how we can help ourselves to avoid harmful feelings. When you feel stressed, try to imagine a feeling that you love. A scent, a song, a place …

Optimistic woman

7. Ask for help

Closely related to the above, is the step of seeking help. Many times we do not go to the psychologist or therapy for the money. We think mental health is superfluous, but no. With knee pain we can live, better or worse, but with crippling stress, no.

If you don’t feel comfortable with professional support, at least let the people closest to you help you. Tell them what is happening to you and they will surely find a way to charge you with energy.

8. Take care of your money

Of course money causes stress. And more when you don’t have it. If unfortunately your financial situation is not buoyant, you can put into practice four basic skills to better manage yourself.

  • Reduce your expenses
  • Increase income
  • Invest to grow or simplify your life.
  • Simplify!

9. Disconnect and slow down

There are people who when they get home after a working day, they turn off their mobile and forget about it until the next day of work. There are others who, for different reasons, cannot. Either because they have been left with an e-mail pending to send, because they are waiting for a call or simply because they are stressed.

In the latter case, you need to slow down. Mark your limits and dedicate time to your personal life. If you don’t do it, no one can do it for you.

Woman resting

10. A healthy social environment is essential to live without stress

Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are. Applied to living without stress means trying  to surround yourself with happy, empathetic and healthy people. Something is sure to stick to you. The way of thinking, the way of living and of facing the world depends to a great extent on how you have been educated.

But it can change, experience allows you to choose what your philosophy of life is. For this reason, friends and the social environment in which you move will help or harm you in that life project that you have.

In conclusion, living without stress is being happier, more harmonious, more joyful, being fuller. This can be achieved to a great extent by certain changes in attitude and habits. Are you willing to enjoy more and better?

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