The Grandparents, Those Dear Friends

The grandparents, those dear friends

The family organization has changed a lot in the last fifty years. Now both parents often work, without having time to take care of their children when they are not in school. So it is third parties who have to take care of this work. In most of these cases, the grandparents are often asked for help, who are usually happy to take care of the grandchildren.

This can be very positive for children’s development. Since, if the grandparents are physically and mentally healthy and they are affectionate, they will give the grandchildren an irreplaceable warmth and dedication. But it is not just the grandchildren who win in this relationship, the grandparents also receive a lot of benefits.

Although, in this sense, it should be noted that they should not be abused. Whenever possible it is convenient to give them a break and allow them to disconnect from the care of the grandchildren.

The grandparents, those dear friends

Undoubtedly, the relationship that grandparents establish with grandchildren is very different from that between parents and children. This difference is due to several reasons:

  • More enjoyment, less responsibility: Grandparents have the privilege of being able to enjoy their grandchildren more, since the responsibility of raising them does not weigh on their shoulders.  Therefore, they are more focused than parents on having fun, playing and pampering the little ones. This, of course, is a delight for the latter, who will long to share those incredible moments with their beloved grandparents.
Grandmother playing with her granddaughter's doll
  • More values, fewer rules: grandparents educate from the serenity that maturity and experience give. This means that they are not so obsessed with the rules as parents and rather are concerned with transmitting values ​​such as unconditional love.
  • Satisfaction of mission accomplished: l os for grandparents grandchildren are continuing themselves, their perpetuation in this world. The little ones give their grandparents the satisfaction of contemplating the fruits of a lifetime’s work, which definitely contributes to making the relationship so special and unique.

Ageless symbiosis

As in symbiosis, that relationship that occurs in nature where two species mutually benefit, both grandparents and grandchildren win by sharing moments together.

Benefits for grandparents

In this way, grandparents feel rejuvenated by the spontaneity and energy of the little ones. The contact with their grandchildren gives them the opportunity to relive their inner child, release their inhibitions and take the weight of the years off their shoulders, unleashing the fun with a healthy touch of madness.

Another benefit that grandchildren bring to their grandparents is that they help them keep them up to date on things like technology. In these times, this is particularly vital given the breakneck pace of change today. Thus, grandchildren can teach grandparents to venture to use the computer, video games, mobile phone, and the internet, which otherwise they would probably not even look at.

Grandson teaching his grandfather to use the mobile

Benefits for grandchildren

On the other hand, with their fascinating stories from times past and anecdotes about their parents when they were young, grandparents provide their grandchildren with a priceless treasure. This is nothing less than a piece of living history, narrated by its protagonists, who give the little ones roots and a sense of identity. Thus, analogously how a tree grows tall and bushy when it has deep roots. Children, by better understanding where they come from, are able to project themselves more strongly into the future.

Having the opportunity to cultivate a good relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is one of the most beautiful and enriching experiences there is, where age barriers are magically removed and in the end there are only two close friends left who have fun and support each other.

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