Techniques To Enhance Your Creativity According To David Lynch

Creativity according to David Lynch is a form of happiness that we can only access through a calm mind. In turn, we must assume that what we believe will not be accepted or understood by everyone.
Techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch

Enhancing your creativity according to David Lynch is about feeling good. Despite the fact that a large part of the productions of this director, screenwriter, painter, musician and photographer are nourished by the darkness and the most bizarre of the human being, there is an aspect that is fundamental for him. Creation must always be a form of well-being and freedom and, for this, we need our interior to be in harmony.

Twin Peaks, Blue Velvet, The Eraser Head, The Elephant Man or Mulholland Drive… Lynch’s filmography shows that we are dealing with one of the most radical minds, as well as visionaries, of today. It is not to everyone’s taste, nor does everyone come to understand the complexity of their unique universes. Those that border on surrealism, that reel human emotions and the darkest and even hilarious reversals of people.

Likewise, the pictorial and sculptural works of David Lynch are also an artistic reference. Thus, in his last exhibition entitled My Head is Disconnected (my disconnected head) he carried out an in-depth analysis of the concept of creativity. In his canvases, murals and abstract figures he tried to make a journey through the human psyche and its fragility, an original search through the depths of the human brain and the ball of feelings.

Without a doubt, we are facing one of the most inspiring figures in terms of creativity. Thus, in books such as Catch the Gold Fish: Meditation, Consciousness and Creativity or Space to Dream , he offers us valuable clues on how to lead a life in tune with this dimension.

Lynch painting to represent how to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch

Techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch

An idea is a gift; in fact, sometimes it is the valuable thread to pull so that we travel through many others. It has happened to all of us at some time and this, according to Lynch, is something wonderful, something that we should take advantage of.

However, in our hectic, hyper-connected and stressful world, ideas come and go, we don’t hold them back; in fact, we often don’t even listen to them. We lack, perhaps, the innocence of children and that natural disposition to take seriously every content that emerges from the mind.

The techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch are quite simple and in turn reflect the journey that its protagonist has made over several decades, dealing with looks, voices and people who have not always understood his art. Accepting that what inspires or creates us will not be to everyone’s taste is perhaps the first lesson we must learn.

Creativity is happiness, negativity blocks our mind

David Lynch is one of those artists who thinks that to create you don’t have to suffer. Thus, in his book Catch the Golden Fish , he explains that painters like Van Gogh did not achieve genius just because they were unhappy or suffered. The act of painting, the exercise of creation, was the only vehicle to happiness.

Therefore, whatever our creative area, we must see it as a channel capable of happiness. The mind that innovates is a free mind and the mere process of creation, as the psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi would say, brings us closer to that flow state , where we feel truly happy.

Lynch filming Twin Peaks to represent how to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch

Delve into everything you see, go beyond the apparent

The most powerful ideas, according to Lynch, are in the depths. They are like the most beautiful and fantastic fish; those that are rarely on the surface. Therefore, an immersion in a trip to the interior is recommended, daring to go beyond what is familiar, known and ordinary.

Thus, a large part of the arguments of this director’s productions inquire into this reality. What is hidden behind a beautiful and innocent people can often be the most disturbing. What’s behind a house and its delicate closed windows can be the scariest thing. You always have to go beyond appearances.

If you haven’t started meditating, do it now

Another of the most important techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch is to practice meditation. For him, negativity is the enemy of creativity. Also, one way to prevent negative emotions from blocking us is by learning to meditate. In Lynch’s own words, when you include this practice in your life, a space opens in the mind where consciousness expands, and then, the best ideas flow.

Meditation turns off anger and stress, you can breathe, you feel good physically and it is in that state of well-being, love and happiness, where we can shape the best ideas.

Lynch meditating to represent how to empower your creativity according to David Lynch

Create for yourself, it does not matter that others do not understand your creations

A good part of Lynch’s productions have received criticism. Dune was somehow a failure and films, like Blue Velvet , were as misunderstood by one part of the public as they were valued by another. At first, David Lynch was no stranger to such criticism, misunderstanding and unfortunate words hurt.

However, over the years the suffering faded. As he explains in his latest book Space to dream , the world is not obliged to understand what you believe. The artist is not the public, the artist must create for himself, he must find his space of freedom in the act of creating himself. What happens next doesn’t matter.

To conclude, as we can see, the techniques to enhance your creativity according to David Lynch are as logical as they are simple to carry out. Therefore, no matter our age, responsibilities or our current circumstances, creativity always has the power to improve our lives. And what is better, we all have within us an immense spring full of ideas waiting to surface.

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