I Was Always Strong, That’s Why I Broke Like Never Before

I was always strong, that's why I broke like never before

I was always strong, serene and upright. Resistant to storms and blows without requesting emotional asylum or the right to a hug. I resigned myself to silence my pains and my demands, considering that failure was already assured if I did not carry out things according to what was established. I was always strong, that’s why I broke like never before. An ordinary day, without being able to control it.

I refused to shed tears and began to somatize emotions. They became what they call isolated symptoms of illness, although I continued to consider them the price to pay for an environment that asked and asked of me without receiving anything in return.

I did not set borders on the emotional help that others demanded of me, my borders were wide and silky for others and yet my emotional space was transforming into arid territory with sharp barbed wire for myself.

My other people’s strengths, my patient ear, my eternal concessions became my particular emotional prisoners. Everyone had the key to access my space and for me it was more and more necessary to go out and take a breath. When I wanted to realize it, I had long since crossed the finish line of what is humanly bearable. He still believed that it was all about being strong, without being strong.

Minimizing emotions, giant holes in emotional health

Throughout my life I kept quiet hypocrisies, silencing grievances and mutilating the need for affection. When I wanted to go out, all my strengths were on the outside. They had been acquired by different and isolated owners who no longer took them as a temporary aid, but as a way to transform my energy into their walking stick.

When people are weak they are broken by the misuse of their inner life. You break internally, vegetatively. There comes an ordinary day when you can no longer get up because your muscles no longer respond. A depression from accumulated stress over there. A panic attack over there.

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In one way or another, we sometimes seem to disarm ourselves of any kind of fortress and become completely defenseless in the face of what can no longer be named or explained. Our endurance always has a limit, the one that we have never known how to establish with respect to others. Sensitive but self-reliant people must know the signs of an impending emotional breakdown before it occurs.

Poor psychological education has consequences

In a recent study, the Annals of Internal Medicine magazine explained the different strategies for dealing with depression and once again highlighted the terrible educational work of certain countries, such as Spain. The lack of coordination that exists in the joint treatment of psychological disorders by psychiatrists, psychologists and other health professionals.

The lack of coordination when it comes to treating these problems causes suicide to be one of the main causes of death in the population. In addition, it causes depression to be seen as the leading cause of work disability in a few years.


This whole situation leads to a climate of ignorance, in which unskilled professionals take ownership of this approach. An intrusion suffered by the population, dizzy by the publicity of all kinds of inventions that claim to cure or help our minds work better, while lacking any type of scientific support.

Break up more often and know how to ask for help

You have the right to be and feel sad. Not always looking strong. You have the right to put limits on the people around you, be it your partner, mother or child. You have the right to know your nature and to know that human beings have complex emotional processing and that each of us has a unique way of perceiving reality and seeking our own happiness.

You have the right to break and put yourself back together, it will always be better than picking up the pieces that others leave on your way. You have the right to know that taking care of yourself is not being selfish.

Not always showing ourselves strong and not having to willingly bear the continuous aggressions of the environment prevent us from settling into a permanent weakness. Knowing that you have the right not to always put your best face on something that has long since exceeded your patience is to arm yourself with assertiveness to protect your space. Knowing how to show yourself weak in time is not to tear yourself apart from the inside over and over again.


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