How To Be Trustworthy People?

Throughout our lives we meet many people and one of the most important aspects to generate quality relationships is trust. If you want others to see it in you, follow these steps.
How to be people who inspire confidence?

In life we ​​have a multitude of relationships, more or less lasting and, therefore, it is inevitable that we worry about what others think of ourselves. One of the bases of interpersonal relationships is trust. Generally, when we appreciate someone we give them our full trust, as well as act in a trustworthy way for them. But, sometimes, appearances can be deceiving and we do not convey what we would like. Thus, we can change some habits to be more trustworthy.

There are many factors that influence trust: the history of the relationship, the personality of each one, the degree of closeness, etc. However, something fundamental to generate and inspire trust is that it is something mutual. One can put a lot of effort into acting in a certain way, but if the other person does not respond and receives our trust, it will not work.

The word has a lot of value

Colleagues speaking confidently

It is useless to promise something if later it is not going to be fulfilled. If from the beginning it is known that it cannot be carried out, why give the word that it will be so? As is well said, words are blown away by the wind and if we cannot turn them into reality, it is normal for the other party to begin to distrust us. Especially if it has already occurred several times.

Obviously there will be less serious situations where sometimes it is not possible to keep our word (a delay, falling ill), but even if there is justification, the other person will always appreciate that we try to repair our fault in some way.

Honesty is the only thing that counts

Honesty is one of the basic ingredients to be trustworthy. It is very good to be sincere in the face of the gallery, but we also have to be so internally and therefore we have to be consistent with what we say and do. We must be born with the idea that we are not perfect and absolutely nothing happens to recognize a mistake and correct it. In fact, if we are able to open ourselves to the people close to our circle (although I suppose a conflict), the emotional ties will come out much stronger.

It is also important to learn to communicate feelings and thoughts. Being honest does not mean that you always have to tell the other what you don’t like. Simply, with delicacy and respect, let him know how you feel, what your problem is, or else, letting him know how you can help the other and give him real support.

Be transparent

Women speaking confidently

If we dedicate ourselves to manipulating our conversations for our own benefit, we may gain short-term advantages. However, if we want to grow a relationship based on sincerity, tolerance and respect, it is best to be transparent from the beginning, although sometimes it is certainly not easy.

If we are opaque, the only thing we will achieve is to create a mask in front of ourselves that will prevent us from opening ourselves to others. That little transparency is precisely what ends up generating mistrust. When the other does not understand what we are thinking or how we can react, it will not give them a sense of security. Therefore, if we want to be trustworthy, one of the most important steps is to let the other see how we are, what we think and how we feel.

Give and take

If what you want with a friendship is to get something in return, you can better say goodbye. On many occasions we will have to give ourselves without the need for us to receive something in return. In short, when we give, rest assured that afterwards it is much easier and more rewarding to receive. Especially when this gift comes from a person we admire and respect.

Thus, trust is something that has to grow between two people, not unilaterally. We feel good about trusting someone who trusts us, and vice versa. Therefore, to be trustworthy, we also have to learn to trust others. To believe in them. Only in this way will we generate the complicity and intimacy necessary for them to feel safe with ourselves.

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