13 Benefits Of Learning A Second Language

The benefits of learning a second language include: brain growth, postponing dementia, stimulating memory, improving attention and many more … We bring you some of them.
13 benefits of learning a second language

In the old days, it was used to think that learning two languages created confusion in the mind learning a language schizophrenia or dual personality.

Some studies seemed to support the idea that learning two languages ​​could be problematic, especially in children. Early researchers found that bilingual people tended to have smaller vocabularies and slower access to words. However, today much more is known about learning other languages, giving way to a new perspective.

“Have another language

is to own

a second soul. “


Advantages of learning another language

Today the attitude and disposition towards learning new languages ​​is completely different. Knowing a new language allows us, in addition to communicating with more people, to get to know that culture more closely, how they think. And, best of all, it brings a host of social, psychological and cognitive benefits.

1. Optimize the brain

When learning a second language, the language centers in the brain grow, one of its main benefits. Thus, the more you learn, the more brain areas grow. In this sense, the researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona, ​​Albert Costa, has devoted himself to studying it.

This researcher compares learning a language with practicing a sport. Costa assures that “it seems that there are areas that have more gray matter, a higher density of neurons, in people who speak two languages. Just like a tennis player builds muscle, speaking languages ​​is mental gymnastics. Bilingualism sculpts the brain .

2. Delays dementia

More and more academics and experts on the subject consider that bilingualism increases our cognitive reserve capacity. This “warehouse” that the brain has is formed by all the stimulating experiences that we have developed in our life. For example, studying, playing musical instruments, reading, or learning new languages.

Thus, numerous investigations have linked bilingualism with cognitive reserve and, consequently, have seen that it is associated with a delay in the onset of Alzheimer’s disease up to five years. Likewise, the higher this cognitive reserve capacity, the longer there is also a delay in the appearance of cognitive deterioration produced by aging.

3. Hear better

Being bilingual can lead to improved listening skills. It may be incredible, but this is because the brain learns to better discriminate sounds, in order to differentiate phonemes in both languages. Thus, the level of precision is such that bilingual people are able to distinguish exactly two different noises.

Even a study conducted in the UK has found that bilingual children pay more attention to other people’s speeches than monolingual peers, as well as being better at perceiving unexpected changes in speech. Furthermore, this increase in attention appears to be similar in adulthood.

4. Be more sensitive to learning more languages

Learning a second language not only brings the benefits associated with that learning, but it also makes it easier to learn more language. So babies raised in bilingual homes can distinguish languages ​​they haven’t even heard before. In this way, the greater ease of sound discrimination will make it easier to learn new pronunciations and to handle the new language faster.

Thus, for example, only exposure to the different sounds in Spanish and Catalan helps them to establish the difference between English and French.

learn languages

5. Memory expansion

Speaking more than one language means that the person has to have a good ability to handle various sources of information when carrying out a task. This is the working memory, the one in charge of temporarily storing information in order to process it. It is essential in many tasks. For example, mental math, relating concepts, and even to interact with people.

Thus, research from the University of Granada and the University of York (Canada) has found that children raised in a bilingual environment have a broader, more effective working memory. That is, they are able to better handle information when working with it.

6. Improved cognition

In addition to the aforementioned and in relation to it, it has been found that bilingual people have a better ability to switch from one task to another more quickly. This is called cognitive flexibility, and it allows these people to more easily adapt to unexpected circumstances.

Cognitive control is related to working memory, multitasking and attention , which has also been higher in bilingual people. Apparently, this could be given by the need to monitor both languages ​​in order to consider which is more appropriate in each situation.

7. Improve attention

Bilingualism has also been associated with greater control over attention, being better able to limit distractions. Albert Costa, again, affirms that “bilingualism influences the attention span. Being used to changing languages ​​improves the ability to concentrate when doing a task ”.

8. New perspectives

Learning a new language can literally  change the way you see the world. Each language, and therefore each culture, has peculiarities in its vocabulary. Thus, there are words that exist in one language and not in another, but this does not mean that this concept or object does not exist in both. It just turned out to be more relevant to a certain culture. Thus, learning a new language can change the perception of the environment and the sensitivity towards certain aspects.

Learning Japanese, for example, which has basic terms to describe colors (colors are proper names of people, male or female, for example: Midori (green and girl’s name), can help you perceive color in different ways.

9. Improve communication

Learning a second language increases the attention we pay to the rules and structure of abstract language, which can make you better in your mother tongue. That is, more attention is paid to one’s own language, I feel more aware of the nuances and meanings that a sentence can have.

Therefore, it also improves verbal and non-verbal communication. Learning new intonations and pronunciations, for example, increases the repertoire and makes it easier to move freely through all possible expressions, as necessary. Thus, this can be a long-term advantage in everyday life, improving the ability to relate to other people.

10. Encourage critical thinking

Thinking about how others think and express themselves makes us reflect on how we think and express ourselves and thus become self-critical. On the other hand, thinking about how other people construct their speech, how they sing and what they give importance to when they speak is a powerful tool for understanding points of view other than one’s own.

11. Better job opportunities

Candidates with extensive language skills are in demand in all companies. This is because we live in an increasingly globalized world and large international companies expect their employees to be able to communicate with people around the world.

A survey of British companies showed that employees with very good command of another language tend to receive a more competent salary than those who do not have these skills.

12. Travel is much more enjoyable

When learning a new language, vacations are experienced from another perspective. For example, instead of staying in hotels or large tourist resorts, you can find the courage to mingle with the local people and travel outside of the more touristy tours and routes.

At first it can be a bit challenging. But, you will notice how open people react when you approach them and try to speak their native language.

13. Allows you to experience other cultures

Learning a foreign language does not only focus on the grammatical and communicative aspects. But it also involves learning about the culture of the country in which the language is used.

It is important to know about the daily life of the local people, their traditions and their way of thinking. In this sense, a new language can expand your horizons enormously.

In short, learning a second language will not only allow you to communicate with more people in the world, but also represents a change in the short and long term. Speaking another language will gradually change your brain and, in addition, it will make you see things differently in the present.

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