Looking For Someone You Do Not Want To Find Will Only Receive Indifference

One of the worst sensations is the sadness caused by the indifference of the person we are trying to approach. In these cases, it is important to self-examine to know if what we are doing is worth it or not. We explain it to you.
Looking for someone you do not want to find you will only receive indifference

I have realized that there is someone who has been waiting for me for a long time. That one is me. It is time to give myself a chance to smile and stop running after someone who does not want to be reached and who only shows indifference.

They say that the opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. They say that this kills affection, that you should not be lazy with what you love, that indifference is the worst punishment and that it is a true folly to neglect what we love.

It is not good to run after someone who already knows where you are. That wears you down, it depletes you, destroys you, hurts you, hurts you … We cannot allow the contempt of the absence of interest to torment us. We are worth much more than we think.

Girl waiting

Whoever loves you, let him look for you

Do not sacrifice for someone who would not do it for you, you will only get indifference in return. Rather, do not sacrifice yourself for anyone because whoever loves you well does not claim you if they are aware that their requests will cause pain or disadvantage in your life.

Stop insisting and knocking on those doors that do not want to open for you. Affection cannot bear indifference, they are fought for all eternity and without the possibility of reconciliation.

Girl riding on a pen

Love is never wasted

This means that even if we have bad experiences, even if we feel that they have taken advantage of us, that they have not known how to reciprocate or that selfishness has prevailed in those around us, we do not have to throw in the towel.

That is, at any time and in any place we can find reciprocity and cultivate healthy relationships. Giving love always makes sense, it is not something that we share, we lose.

What happens is that giving a lot and receiving little is also tiring. So the key is not to put all our hopes and expectations on a feeling, as this can be unrequited and, as a consequence, turn our lives upside down.

Unrequited love

The absence of reciprocity and gratitude

There are relationships and friendship that are doomed to failure due to the total absence of gratitude and reciprocity. This is simple, to keep a feeling alive you have to work on it, pay attention to it and give it momentum.

However, we must be careful and not over-demand. Do we really need our partner to dedicate every second of their time and every thought to us?

If so, then we will have to review our emotional state, work on our needs and get rid of certain emotional desires and ideas that compromise our feelings.

14 precious reasons to practice self-love

Ignore those people who don’t care about you

To be happy we have to learn to ignore those people who punish us with indifference and who make us question our personal and social worth. So we must consider how to generate emotional distance, how to seek oxygen and count to three when we come across them.

For this we have to reflect, cast out the coldness of those who show little interest in our feelings and make us feel belittled. In this way we will be able to surround ourselves with all those emotional people who make us feel that the world is a good place.

Thus, freed from everything that imprisons us, we can give life the green light and allow it to surprise us without harming us. Therefore, do not expect anything from anyone, expect everything from you, because the rest will come when you least expect it.

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