3 Ways To Harness The Power Of Your Mind

3 ways to harness the power of your mind

Thanks to disciplines like psychology, medicine, and neuroscience, we know a lot about the human mind. There are numerous studies that reveal the amount of energy that our brain has, which can achieve some feats that at first seem impossible. Here are some of the most amazing discoveries and exercises that our minds can perform.

Strengthen muscles and increase their capacity

In a study conducted in 2004 by Raganathan (USA), a group of people listened to an audio that guided their minds to imagine that they were exercising. Another control group listened to a lecture that had nothing to do with sport. The subsequent study of the muscle values ​​of the two groups revealed significant differences: it was as if the people who had imagined exercising had actually trained

Scientists believe that the mental process of imagining an exercise session releases the same muscle-building hormones that are released during an actual exercise session.

What is the lesson? Your mind is much more powerful than you can imagine at first. In fact, different studies on training have shown that during the first weeks that a person begins to train, their strength gains are much higher than those that they will achieve later,  mainly due to the fact that their brain learns how to move the body in a good way. more efficient.

Transform a weakness into a strength

But the power of the mind doesn’t just have a significant effect on the body. In a fascinating study, carried out in Wesnousky (USA), it was revealed that when people believe that there is a positive side to a flaw in their personality or a weakness, they begin to improve their self-esteem and feel more comfortable with themselves.

For example, in the study, a group of highly impulsive people was told that this characteristic had the advantage of helping them be more creative. Subsequent tests with this group of people indicate that their creativity levels had increased significantly after hearing this information from a reliable source.

Something similar is what the famous Pygmalion effect affirms : when we believe that something will be true, it is most likely that it really is. Therefore, controlling our own mind can help us achieve more positive results in real life.


Dramatically improve your performance just by imagining it

Multiple studies have shown that in various  complex professions, professionals repeatedly imagining themselves performing their work in realistic detail greatly improves their performance.

Many professionals who have to carry out high-pressure performances use the power of their imagination to excel and hone their skills. This is of great help to them when it comes to carrying out their tasks, since imagining themselves relaxed when carrying out complicated jobs they are able to feel more comfortable doing them in real life . From this you can learn that your imagination has the power to significantly improve your ability to perform a complex task.

3 ways to harness the power of your mind to change your life

– Own your power to change. Many people use their own power against themselves. If you believe that you cannot change, your mind will prevent you from doing so. It is essential to turn around that false idea that you harbor in your head. Claim your power, be the owner of it and start to become who you want to be.

– Decide how you want to be different and imagine it. For example, if you want to become more outgoing, imagine yourself laughing and talking to a group of co-workers, or socializing animatedly at a party, repeatedly. Combine mental practice with actual practice in everyday situations. Your progress will probably be faster if you combine both methods.

– Believe in yourself. Dozens of nice people feel unworthy, invalid, or invisible. Others may feel disenfranchised, anxious, angry, or desperate. If any of these words describe you, you can start using the power of your mind to fix it. Imagine yourself in vivid colors, with confidence and strength. Imagine yourself being what you really want to be.

Remember,  the power of your mind can help you or work against you. Do not waste the opportunity to take advantage of it in your favor.

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