This Short Will Teach You The Charm Of Being Different

This short will teach you the charm of being different

“For the birds” is a sublime short that will teach us the charm of being different. They are a few minutes of fun charm where you will meet a set of fifteen annoying and irritating little birds , who will start your laughter, and something else, when they meet a somewhat quirky bird.

If you have children at home do not hesitate to take some time with them and enjoy this production that Pixar gave us in 2000. E stá directed by Ralph Eggleston, a household name in the animation industry and present in films as familiar as ” Up ”,“ Toy Story ”,“ Wall-E ”or“ Finding Nemo ”.

Our protagonist in a somewhat strange bird. It has long legs, a long neck and its voice sounds different from that of the fifteen little birds. Our bird is of another breed and seeks, like any other, to integrate where its wings take it …

However, and as we all know, being different is sometimes a problem that one must know very well how to manage. The weird, lanky bird in this short does the best he can.

The art of being different and the effort to be similar

For_The_Birds- short charm be different

Surely this scene with which the short opens is familiar to you: a bunch of similar little birds whispering to each other, shocking and proudly moving through a setting that they control almost in a military way. They are like those teenagers who insist on dressing the same, like those office colleagues who form hermetic groups at work …

In life we ​​find many situations similar to the one represented in this short. The arrival of a “stranger” revolutionizes the community, that class of high school students, that neighborhood block or that provincial town.

There is a wonderful aspect in the short of “For the birds”: the attitude of our protagonist, the way in which the strange and bizarre bird confronts this group of unruly birds that so suspiciously see his presence on the power lines.

His smile is never lost, it is his letter of introduction, his strength and his charm. That kind smile instantly turns curious and also pious, because in the face of a group of negative and unfriendly creatures, the only force that counts is undoubtedly kindness and kindness.

He does not give up. It does not matter to him that none of those birds return the greeting, it does not matter to him either that they do not make a hole in the cable of the had. Our protagonist persists and resists, and even more, far from going little by little to break the ice, he decides to settle right in the center of all of them.

This daring act arouses endless criticism, whispering, annoying flapping wings and adorable gestures that will bring out a thousand smiles and loud laughter. The outcome is one of Pixar’s most epic, hence in 2001 it was awarded an Oscar for the best animated short, along with an Annie award and another mention at the Sitges Festival.


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