What’s Under The Nose Of Clowns?

What's under the nose of clowns?

“Comedy is a funny way of telling the truth. My way of joking is telling the truth. That is the funniest joke in the world “

Muhammad Ali

According to some people, when someone is “telling a joke”, they are actually speaking from the utmost sincerity. What happens is that he masks his feelings or thoughts under the heading of “joke”, when in fact he is trying to say something without making it too direct or wrong.

Did you know that there is a big difference between a joke and a joke? And even more so with humor? Sure, because a joke is a story that is told with a funny and unexpected ending that illustrates a situation to laugh at.

Humor is a staging of a specific event and follows some rules, with the idea of ​​generating laughter or laughter, such as a number of clowns in the circus. It is observed or narrated.

The jokes, on the other hand, are told but not told or interpreted as if they were a play or something organized. Immediately after finishing the sentence, he closes with a “was joke.

But … what does this clarification hide? That the truth is being told in a somewhat peculiar way. One that protects the person who says it in the case of not being right, one that can protect the person who listens if it does not go further.

It could be understood then that by saying “just kidding”, we are excusing ourselves, we are looking for a free pass so that the other does not get angry or does not realize our true ideas or opinions.

At that moment, we are justifying ourselves, taking away the real meaning of what we have said, avoiding a confrontation, etc. We turn a statement into something unimportant or funny, simply by indicating that it is a joke.

However, it is the truest of truths. If we do not dare to say something to someone (anything), we can take refuge under the phrase “just kidding” and continue as if nothing had happened.


Think about the times you wanted to say something and you didn’t cheer up, how did you react? You may have kept that feeling or thought to yourself or you may have disguised it under the clothing of a meaningless, funny joke that generated laughter in the interlocutor and nothing more.

But, it may also have happened to you that after throwing that joke, that you did not feel good about yourself, like that was not the answer you expected to get or perhaps you asked yourself: “How could I be so cowardly”?

Well, these things happen when we joke but we really want to get serious and speak with total propriety.

If you are one of the people who jokes too much, pay attention to your behavior. If you do not control it, the people around you may learn not to take you seriously or, on the contrary, if you tend to cover truths with jokes, they will not believe you when you argue that a sentence was.

In turn, those who deny a joke often deny having heard a truth. They do not recognize that what is said with a humorous tone is far from containing something of truth, although deep down sometimes they do understand it that way.

So, what to do? In the first place, do not stay with sensations, desires, feelings or opinions within us. They are too heavy to carry on our backs every day. If you learn to say what is happening to you (but not as a joke), it will be easier for others to take you seriously.

Also, do not rely on the fact that everything is a joke, because when you want to tell the truth, no one will believe you. Do you remember the story of the shepherd and the wolf? When the predator actually appeared, no one did anything about it and that’s how all the sheep were killed.

In the event that you have a very joking person in front of you, think about what he is trying to tell you, what is the code message, what is happening to him and how he is trying to express what is happening to him.


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