5 Strategies To Deal With Difficult People

5 strategies for dealing with difficult people

What is a complicated person? The truth is that I could not define it very well, in fact I think it is something quite subjective. Perhaps for me someone is very difficult to deal with and tries to avoid their company and, on the contrary, for you, this person is your best friend.

The concept of “toxic person” is very much the order of the day, but  I believe that human beings are good by nature. I also think that in the course of his life, he learns certain ways of behaving that are not the most correct. Some ways that in turn  can cause problems with the people with whom he relates.

Be that as it may, from psychology we can use some strategies that can disarm these types of people and even allow us to open a path towards friendship or, at least, cordial treatment.

Let’s not forget that someone who is aggressive or curmudgeonly towards us, someone who is envious or haughty or who tries by all means to trample us is, deep down, a person who is demanding love and now we will analyze why.

Complicated and empty people that haven’t been covered

If we look closely, happy people, with adequate self-esteem, usually have quality social support : they get along reasonably well with their relatives, they have friends and they are pleasant with those who care for them. Whether in a restaurant, shop, etc.

Today is the day to leave envy behind

They probably had a difficult childhood, have learned the wrong ways to act due to unpleasant early experiences, such as bullying, or are going through a new period in their lives.

As their self-esteem is rather low -although it may seem the opposite- they do not fill that gap with their own esteem, but they look for it outside. The problem is that, because of the way they search, they end up feeling even more empty.

Some strategies we can use with difficult people

Show them a smile

The smile is contagious due to our mirror neurons. With her we express friendship and openness towards the other. Think that it is difficult for a person who tries to interact with us in an aggressive or haughty way not end up disarming if we offer him our best smile, accompanied by kindness and education.

Do not go in to argue with them

It is not worth it because you will not get anywhere. The only thing you will achieve is that the anger intensifies and that the discussion becomes “personal”.

Think that there are few absolute truths and that it is not a matter of always being right. It is more important to have a pleasant and calm relationship and to let reason collapse of its own weight.

Put yourself in their place and give up your ego

When you come across someone envious, self-centered, angry … think that it is someone who has either had a really bad time or is currently suffering. No one who is happy or loves himself goes around the world with a long face and messing with others.

If he is a family member or friend, give him a hug

If you have confidence with that person and you see that they are in a moment of anger, simply give them a hug, a kiss, a caress or any sign of affection. I warn you that it is complicated because our ego also emerges and we reject that person, but you have to make an effort to show your love. It’s magic, that person will completely disarm.

hugging couple

Use humor

Humor is very important in social relationships as it dampens conflicts. You can try telling a relevant joke if you are in the middle of a conflict. Of course, without ever disrespecting that person and as long as we have confidence.

If you do it correctly and above all with affection, you will see how that person ends up drawing a small smile on their face and the conflict goes to the background.

We will be able to do all this correctly, if we have previously taken care of our self-esteem, if we are able to get rid of our pride and if among our desires is to build a life full of good vibrations.

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