5 Unforgettable Phrases By Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende, a prolific author and avant-garde feminist Hispano-American. His works are full of totally inspiring and unique phrases
5 unforgettable phrases by Isabel Allende

The phrases Isabel Allende are full of passion and commitment, as his novels, like herself. They are legacies full of personal improvement, love and fierce resistance. The same ones that we have learned through their wonderful characters, such as those of Eva Luna or those of La casa de los espíritus .

Beyond the literary field, the personal work of Isabel Allende is equally remarkable. This renowned Chilean writer was a great social activist and one of the most inspiring feminists in Latin America. Likewise, it is worth noting her charisma as a lecturer and communicator, one of those people with a very clear mind and a literary heart dedicated to inspiring others, guiding and raising awareness.

Journalist, indefatigable storyteller and always committed to the voice of women. The exceptional psychological framework that underlies most of his works is undoubtedly striking. We almost always look at his books out of mere curiosity, to end up moved after a few pages by his heartfelt humanity, there where humor, tragedy, fantasy and life itself in all its nakedness embraces us completely to leave us not one, but dozens of teachings.

It never hurts, therefore, to remember any of those phrases by Isabel Allende. Those that take us back to his books and where, in turn, a learning or a wonderful brushstroke is printed on which to reflect.

Book with flowers in reference to JorgeLuis Borges

Quotes by Isabel Allende

De amor y de sombra , Paula , Eva Luna , Hija de la Fortuna … Isabel Allende has a wide variety of published books, which now reach 65 million copies, translated into more than 30 languages. Each of us will have our favorites, but each of them is valuable in their own way. Hard in its essence and inspiring for its characters, always so human, so magical, but close at the same time.

The phrases of Isabel Allende that we are going to review below are extracts from her bibliography, small samples that will invite us to more than one reflection.

1. Death is oblivion , one of Isabel Allende’s best-known phrases

Isabel Allende has faced the experience of death on more than one occasion.  It was especially hard, for example, the loss of his daughter Paula. Saying goodbye is not easy for anyone, letting go of those we love is a test for which no one is prepared and yet we end up doing it, reluctantly, with rage and immense pain.

However, beyond the pain itself we still have a brief breath, a light from which to keep alive that loved person: our memory. That vital impulse is the one that will connect us with those who are no longer there, allowing them to continue there, in the other half of our heart every day, every second so that when we breathe, it hurts a little less. Always, through our imagination and our memory we have the opportunity to resurrect.

Sad girl from behind

2. Inspiration and creativity

This is one of the most beautiful phrases of Isabel Allende, as well as correct, from the book ” The Japanese lover “. In this work we meet the young Alma Velasco and the Japanese gardener Ichimei, two very well outlined characters with whom we can immerse ourselves in an interesting story in a very specific social moment. Thus, Ichimei introduces us with his trade and culture in that slow and thoughtful art that is gardening, where inspiration and creativity, movement and calm always go hand in hand.

3. Happiness is daring

Living, doing it with intensity, is not letting the days go by like someone turning the pages of a book one by one without delighting in its lines, in the story it tells us. To exist is to feel, it is to dare, it is to skip diets, it is to savor, it is to run in the rain without fear of getting wet, it is to love without fear of losing, and it is to live without fear that everything will end tomorrow. After all, what should really scare us is a life not lived.

Girl wrapped in colors representing the phrases of Isabel Allende

4. Our demons

This is another of Isabel Allende’s most remarkable and inspiring phrases. How to deny it? We all have more than one demon lurking in some corner, tarnishing our desire, our dreams, our goals. They are those still immature areas of our being that need to be ventilated, healed and repaired. Far from leaving these presences to their fate, we must be able to deal with them face to face in order to fulfill ourselves as people.

5. Take responsibility for your emotions

Sooner or later, one comes to the simple but emphatic conclusion that life is not fair. Instantly it is capricious, then ruthless, later it gives us a period of time of ideal perfection to later take away that little piece of our being that gave us meaning. Thus, and in a scenario where many circumstances are beyond our control, one can only take responsibility for what one is, what one feels.

How we tackle each of those potholes will determine the quality of our life. Emotional responsibility is the key to balance and well-being in an almost always complex reality.

girl releasing doves representing the phrases of Isabel Allende

To conclude, it is clear that there are many more phrases by Isabel Allende that should appear in this list. We all have our favorites, those that we sometimes write on the margins of our agendas or notebooks. However, those reflected here are a small sample of that humanity, psychology and emotional delicacy that usually characterize this unforgettable writer.

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