11 Essential Friendship Poems To Share

Friendship is an invisible bond, the support that sometimes sustains us and the impulse that we sometimes lack, but also the spark to make days different. This selection of poems reminds us.
11 essential friendship poems to share

Poetry takes us, using the time-spinner of words, to past experiences . It also tells us about the future, it transmits feelings and emotions, it evokes images, thoughts, emotions … And it tells us about life, and how the poet understands / feels / thinks about it. In this article we have selected 11 friendship poems that stand out for their beauty, but also for what they are capable of inspiring. Although, deep down, the ingredient that unites them is honesty.

Friendship is an investment in illusion. Friendship relationships are relationships of affection, sympathy and trust, which allow us to learn from others, enjoy company and, above all, share unique moments. Do you want to give a nice poem to one of your friends? Do not miss our selection of poems, from the hand of great authors!

11 friendship poems

We leave you 11 friendship poems that talk about what this means for their authors. Poems full of feelings that are a good reflection of his inner world.

Passive and active friendships

Poem of friendship, by Octavio Paz

Friendship is a river and a ring. The river flows through the ring.
The ring is an island in the river. The river says: before there was no river, then only river.
Before and after: what erases friendship. Do you erase it? The river flows and the ring is formed.

Friendship erases time and thus frees us. It is a river that, as it flows, invents its rings.
In the sand of the river our footprints are erased. In the sand we look for the river: where have you gone?
We live between forgetfulness and memory: this moment is an island fought by incessant time.

A poem about friendship that invites us to reflect on how it is built over time. And that leads us to think about the passage of time, a phenomenon that one enjoys and others suffer, but that happens for everyone.

Friends, by Julio Cortázar

In tobacco, in coffee, in wine, on the edge of the night they rise up like those voices that sing in the distance without knowing what, along the way.
Lightly brothers of destiny, Dioscuri, pale shadows, the flies of habits scare me, they hold me afloat amidst so much whirlpool.

The dead speak more but in the ear, and the living are a warm hand and a roof, the sum of what is gained and what is lost.
Thus one day in the boat of the shade, from so much absence my chest will shelter this ancient tenderness that names them.

Julio Cortázar, Argentine writer and translator, gives us another of the great poems of friendship. In it he talks about elements and images that remind him of his friends. A poem with a nostalgic tinge.

To a great friend, by Jorge Luis Borges

I can not change your past nor your future.
But when you need me I will be with you.
I can’t stop you from tripping.
I can only offer you my hand so that you hold on and do not fall.
Your joys, your triumphs and your successes are not mine.
But I sincerely enjoy when I see you happy.
I do not judge the decisions you make in life.
I limit myself to supporting you, stimulating you and helping you if you ask me.
I cannot draw limits within which you must act,
but I do offer you the necessary space to grow.
I cannot avoid your sufferings when some pain breaks your heart,
but I can cry with you and pick up the pieces to put it together again.
I can not tell you who you are, neither who you should be.
I can only love you as you are and be your friend.
In these days I prayed for you …
In these days I began to remember my most precious friends.
I am a happy person: I have more friends than I imagined.
That’s what they tell me, they show me.
It is what I feel for all of them.
I see the sparkle in their eyes, the spontaneous smile and the joy they feel when they see me.
And I also feel peace and joy when I see them and when we speak,
whether in joy or in serenity.
These days I thought of my friends and friends,
among them, you appeared.

This fragment of Borges’s poem is, at the same time, a precious letter to his friend with which the author leaves us a message full of tenderness. Through him we see how he perceives friendship and what feelings his friend awakens in him. At the same time, it expresses unconditional support.

Gazelle of friendship, by Carmen Díaz Margarit

Friendship is a flurry of luminous fish,
and it drags you
into a happy ocean of butterflies.

Friendship is the wailing of bells
that invoke the scent of bodies
in a dawn garden of heliotropes.

A beautiful poem about friendship, which evokes very beautiful images through words. The author, Carmen Díaz Margarit, uses highly visual metaphors to define what friendship is for her.

Some friendships are eternal, by Pablo Neruda

Sometimes you find in life
a special friendship:
that someone who, when entering your life,
changes it completely.
That someone who makes you laugh incessantly;
that someone who makes you believe that
good things really exist in the world .
That someone who convinces you
that there is a door ready
for you to open.
That is an eternal friendship.
When you are sad
and the world seems dark and empty,
that eternal friendship lifts your spirits
and makes that dark and empty world
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your eternal friendship helps you
in difficult, sad,
and confusing moments .
If you walk away,
your eternal friendship follows you.
If you lose your way,
your eternal friendship guides you and makes you happy.
Your eternal friendship takes you by the hand
and tells you that everything will be fine.
If you find such a friendship
you feel happy and full of joy
because you have nothing to worry about.
You have a friendship for life,
since an eternal friendship has no end.

Friendship for Pablo Neruda. In its creation we find all the good that a good friend can bring : companionship and support, light, guidance, hope, love …

To my friends, by Alberto Cortez

I owe my friends the tenderness
and the words of encouragement and embrace,
sharing with all of them the invoice
that life presents us step by step.
owe my friends the patience to tolerate my sharpest thorns,
outbursts of humor, negligence
, vanities, fears and doubts.
A fragile paper ship
sometimes looks like friendship,
but never
the most violent storm can beat it.
Because that paper ship
has attached to its helm,
as captain and helmsman.
a heart!
I owe my friends some anger
that inadvertently disturbed our harmony,
we all know that it cannot be a sin to
ever argue over nonsense.
I will bequeath to my friends when
my devotion dies on a guitar chord,
and among the forgotten verses of a poem
my poor incorrigible cicada soul.
My friend, if this song like the wind
calls you wherever you want to listen to it,
you will be plural because the feeling demands it
when friends are carried in their soul.

A poem that talks about what the author, Cortez, wants to leave to his friends: poetry, music … It also talks about the power of friendship and about life in general.

Friendship, by Carlos Castro Saavedra

Friendship is the same as a hand that supports its fatigue in another hand and feels that the fatigue is mitigated and the path becomes more human.
The sincere friend is the clear and elemental brother like the ear, like bread, like the sun, like the ant that mistakes honey for summer.
Great wealth, sweet company is that of the being that arrives with the day and brightens our inner nights.
Source of coexistence, of tenderness, is the friendship that grows and matures in the midst of joys and pains.

Another of the friendship poems, a short poem that talks about that friendship that knows how to overcome difficulties. Of the presence of the other as a company that the person esteems and values.

I will not die at all, my friend, by Rodolfo Tallón

I will not die at all, my friend,
as long as my memory lives in your soul.

A verse, a word, a smile,
will tell you clearly that I have not died.

I will return with the silent afternoons,
with the star that shines for you,
with the breeze that rises between the leaves,
with the fountain that dreams in the garden.

I will return with the piano that sobs
the nocturnal scales of Chopin;
with the slow agony of things
that do not know how to die.

With everything romantic, that immolates
this cruel world that destroys me.

I will be by your side when you are alone,
like one more shadow next to your shadow.

This poem tells us about friendship, but also about memories… What the poem conveys is that true friends are those who remain in the soul and in the memory despite death, time and distance.

Let’s go together, by Mario Benedetti

With you I can and with me I want to
go together partner
partner reveals
the same fate as to me

You promised and I promised to
light this candle
with your I can and with my I want to
go together partner

death kills and listens to
life comes later
the unity that serves is
what unites us in the struggle

with you I can and with me I want to
go together partner
the story sounds
its lesson like a bell

to enjoy tomorrow you
have to fight now
with you I can and with me I want to
go together partner

We are no longer innocent,
neither in the bad nor in the good,
each one in his task
because in this there are no substitutes

with you I can and with me I want to
go together partner
some sing victory
because the people pay lives

but those dear deaths
are writing history
with your I can and with my I want
we go together partner.

Another of the friendship poems, by Mario Benedetti, a great Uruguayan writer, who tells us about the unconditional support that characterizes true friendship.

Friend supporting another

Friends Who Left Us Forever, by Edgar Allan Poe

Friends who forever left us,
dear friends forever gone,
out of Time and out of Space!

For the soul nourished by sorrows,
for the weary heart, perhaps.

A short poem that talks about the echo left by honest friends. A memory that prevails, as Allan Poe says in the poem, despite “time and space.”

Friendship as a flower, anonymous

Friendship is like a rose.
Its color is so beautiful,
its texture so delicate,
and its perfume so persistent,
that if you don’t take care of it …

It withers.

Friendships, like loves, need care, and this is reflected in another of the proposed friendship poems, in this case anonymous. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to those we consider our friends. Remember that complicity is nourished by confidences.

And you, which of the friendship poems do you prefer? Would you dare to create yourself a poem on this subject? Well, unleash your emotions !

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