7 Recommendations For Teleworking

Teleworking will undoubtedly be the work modality of the future. However, the fact of working from home forces us to take into account a series of strategies, with which, to be more productive and feel more satisfied with this lifestyle.
7 recommendations for teleworking

The remote work model is a trend. It is not only an opportunity to facilitate family conciliation and enhance work flexibility; In addition, it is an interesting way to advance in business, innovate at the company level and maximize talent. However, some guidelines must be followed for it to be effective. Hence, we should know some recommendations for teleworking.

Something that is undoubtedly evident is that a good part of the people would like to carry out their work in a virtual way. Not only because they would save travel costs, but because they would enjoy a better quality of life, by not having to be in such a stressful office environment.

Performing tasks remotely must allow people to assume the same objectives as in person, which requires following strategies: adequate technical means, action protocols and, above all, clear guidelines.

The action guides must be designed by the company itself. Aspects such as the schedule, meetings or coordination in certain tasks must be well specified from the first moment so that everything flows in the best possible way.

On the other hand, and no less important, the worker must also consider carrying out personal norms to be productive and, what is more important, to be comfortable in their situation.

Man at computer representing recommendations for teleworking

Recommendations for teleworking that may be useful to us

The recommendations for teleworking that the experts give us are based on a fact. Not everyone is suitable for this work modality. Thus, and as striking as it may seem, performing our work remotely and at home is not so easy. It has its challenges and complexities.

Studies such as the one carried out by Dr. Ralph Gajendran of the University of California indicate that conflicts often arise between colleagues or with authority figures from a distance.

The ideal, as this work published in the Journal of Applied Psychology points out, would be to oscillate the face-to-face work with the remote in the same week. Perhaps, the cause is that we need more filming in this work variant.

However, let’s see some recommendations for telecommuting.

1. Exclusive space for teleworking

The first rule to be productive and to realize that we are working is not to carry out work on the bed or in that space in common with the rest of the family. It is not worth taking the laptop from here to there ; now in the living room, then on the sofa while we watch television.

Teleworking implies demand and as such we need an exclusive space for this, well differentiated from the rest of the home.

A well-lit room, a table, an ergonomic chair, a quiet space that promotes concentration … All of this will help us to be more productive.

2. Recommendations for teleworking: never in pajamas

We are at home, it is true. We like to be comfortable in it, it’s true. However, one of the recommendations to telework and succeed in the attempt is “feel that we are going to work.” Therefore, wearing pajamas or a robe does not help. Dressing in a more formal way makes us more mentalized in the face of the task.

Woman with computer working representing recommendations for teleworking

3. Yes, you must adhere to a schedule

It is very possible that the company itself sets a fixed schedule for us. In which case, you have to organize yourself with household chores and clearly delimit work time and family time. On the other hand, in case we do not have a stipulated schedule with the company or clients, we will do it ourselves.

Establishing fixed routines, setting daily goals and meeting them will help us better manage time. The ideal is to avoid work occupying us 24 hours a day, reaching night hours and seven days a week.

4. Set breaks to rest and eat

You can and should set pauses. Stopping from 10:00 to 10:30 for lunch or going for a run is a good idea. You can and should give yourself an hour of rest at noon to eat, at which time it is completely forbidden to have the computer at your side.

The ideal is not to spend long periods of time at the desk and the computer.

5. Specify the communication channels

Another recommendation for teleworking is to establish communication channels with colleagues and bosses. We can use emails or video calls.

However, we will value the convenience or not of making use of WhatsApp or another type of instant messaging in which the personal and work aspects converge. This is something to decide.

6. Set digital disconnection times

When you finish your telework day, silence your mobile. Avoid constantly checking your email, message notifications, social networks …

The mental load that our devices add to us, beyond the work band can be a source of stress. Let’s learn to handle it and above all, to silence the phone from time to time.

Person with mobile

7. Socialize, small talk gives us energy

Another of the great recommendations for teleworking is to avoid isolation. Don’t make your everyday performance a bunker. Don’t limit your life to the point of communicating only with your co-workers and your family.

Go out, walk through the door of your house two or three times a day to go shopping, walk your dog, have small conversations with the neighbors, with the supermarket cashier …

It is also important to share time with friends, with people outside of work that allow us to relativize and connect with other areas of our life that are equally or more important.

Telecommuting is the future, there is no doubt. But it should not turn us into isolated islands that little by little lose the dynamism and freshness of daily social contact.

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