Society Is The Sum Of All Our Relationships

Society is the sum of all our relationships

Society is an extension of ourselves, we are not isolated from it, nor can we be, since it is part of who we are. It is common to complain about society when it is unwanted, we justify many actions in this way, blaming what happens in our environment, as if it were something independent of ourselves.

Are you forgetting the fact that both you and I have created society? Being indifferent to this fact supposes that we ignore that we have our share of responsibility; since we build our world in relation to this environment of relationships. The world is a reflection of who we are and our problems are also the problems of the world.

The conflict in society and in oneself

Social conflicts do not escape from who we are, from our internal world. So much so that we have the ability to generate order or confusion depending on how we live. If each of us took time to generate order in his life, and took care to cultivate his own inner peace, these social conflicts could be resolved.

Two people without identity

Finding a way out of the conflict means being able to observe and understand it, not just verbalize it. Contact the facts directly of what happens in us and around us. Without ceasing to be indifferent to what happens to our neighbor, because it is something that also influences ourselves.

As society is constituted today, it is a constant conflict, since many of the relationships that weave it are based on competitiveness, greed and envy. In this way it is impossible to end conflicts, since we are not cooperating, but we compete and we destroy ourselves.

How can we harmonize in society?

The solution to the social conflict does not pass simply by rebelling against the system or the established order; it is something much deeper. This solution happens as previously said by an order of itself. To become active components of this social structure.

Being an active component means making the effort not to promote absolute truths, nor to believe those that are imposed. It is about thinking and reflecting for yourself, thus being able to get out of the established routine as a loop.

Woman submerged in water

The established routine is death, it is to conform and adapt to things for comfort, from ignorance. An intelligent being will rebel against all this, not only by verbalizing it, but by acting and taking control of his life. This means taking charge of yourself and pursuing what you love and make you happy, so as not to fall into the monotonous destruction of envy, possession and greed.

Is it possible to create a healthier society?

To build a healthy society, we would have to understand and incorporate the kinds of bonds that promote happiness and love. Values ​​such as respect, tolerance, understanding and kindness; that can be the basic pillars in our way of relating.

Healthy relationship with nature

It is essential that we learn to question any experience, be it our own or someone else’s. Questioning what we perceive through our senses will give us an idea of ​​their fallibility. On the other hand, questioning the information that comes to us from other sources will make less lies creep into our drawer of certainties.

Don’t confuse facts with value judgments.  Separating them is sometimes difficult since many facts seem indivisibly connected to some opinions or feelings. However, by doing so we will enrich our vision of the world.

An important step is to understand that it is not about pursuing the positive, but rather about denial: about the rejection of what is not in accordance with our nature, that enslaves us and makes us suffer, such as the creation of false needs and bonding. from the rivalry and the superficial.

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