The Power Of Our Words

Words have power, they help us to connect with people, to designate and shape what surrounds us. However, we cannot forget either the role of that internal dialogue, and the need to take care of those words that we say to ourselves.
The power of our words

Whenever we are in front of a child we speak carefully, because we do not want them to learn incorrect or disrespectful words. We know that the word creates, that it sets an example and designates everything that surrounds us. Transmitting to the little ones the beauty of language and what we can achieve through it is undoubtedly our greatest responsibility.

Words define reality and in turn, shape action, coexistence and also what we conceive as humanity today. Let’s think about it: language is the most exceptional competence of the genus Homo, that ability that distinguished us from the rest of the species to allow us to advance and be what we are now.

This is also why nothing is as important as “thinking before speaking.” It is through communication that we build our relationships of respect or aggressiveness. With it we originate closeness or distance. Taking these small aspects into account should help us to be more responsible, and not only in the upbringing and education of children by setting an example. We cannot forget that the way we speak to ourselves is also synonymous with well-being or suffering.

Words have the power to create and destroy

Our words have the power to create and the power to destroy.  The best example of this can be seen in a friendship or a relationship. Any word out of place or that may generate some kind of misunderstanding, may cause the breakdown of that link.

Even the absence of words can cause some kind of problem. In couple relationships, especially, communication is extremely important. However, there is always some secret or something that is not told to the couple “for their own good” and that ends up leading to a series of conflicts that are very difficult to address and overcome.

Give up negative words

But, the power of our words is much more powerful. Its ability to create and destroy is also applicable to ourselves. Not listening to ourselves, making negative affirmations and repressing what we want to say are some of the many ways in which we will hurt ourselves, feel frustrated and in which, perhaps, we can feed a low self-esteem.

The importance of positive dialogue with oneself

If you don’t give yourself nice words, nobody will. Because as you look, that’s how others will see you. We have learned to dedicate these words to others, but what about us? It seems that we do not know how to give ourselves the value we deserve, we put ourselves in second place and this causes certain problems. It is then that the “I am unable” or “I can not” echo in our life becoming a reality.

Thus, experts on the subject such as Dr. Ian Burkit, from the University of Bradford, did not point out in a study that this ‘micro dialogue’ also allows us to build ourselves or even ‘deconstructourselves. We know that words have power, but those that we address to ourselves have immense importance for our psychological well-being.

Re-educating our vocabulary

At this point, it would be ideal to re-educate, feed and restore our vocabulary. As we grow and mature we lose our innocence. This can decrease our ability to grow. Thus, we begin to doubt ourselves, to see the negative and the ugly, instead of the positive and beautiful, to distrust before knowing.

With everyday expressions like “No food?” or “Is there food?” at first glance the question is practically the same, but in the first we are already determining that there is NO. Therefore, a series of statements begin to emerge such as:

I’m poor.
Do not have.
I am incapable.
I do not know.
I won’t even try.

If I say I can’t, it’s true I can’t! But if I say yes I can! It is also true because I said it too. Words are NOT TAKEN BY THE WIND, they are hooked in our mind and in our heart and thus they are directing our lives, along the path that we are indicating. Words build external and internal realities and that is something that we must keep in mind every day.

Decree happiness

If our vocabulary is poor and pessimistic, so will our life. We want abundance, we want peace, we want to be happy, etc., but with our mouth we declare the opposite. When incoherence permeates our existence, what we want will never come to pass.

Our future depends on our words, so let’s start changing our lives, taking care of the words we say and the way we speak. Let’s do it as if we were always surrounded by children and our life will be directed by that path that we want to travel.

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