10 Keys To Professional Success, According To Jeff Bezzos

Jeff Bezzos is one of the most powerful men. In various forums, he has said that there are 10 keys to professional success and that together they make up the “secret” of his triumphs.
10 keys to professional success, according to Jeff Bezzos

The 10 keys to Jeff Bezos’ professional success have become one of those decalogues that many have posted in front of their desk. It is not strange, because almost everything that the famous Amazon CEO does tends to become popular. Legend has it that Jeff Bezos only dreamed of space travel as a teenager. Later, after graduating in Science and Electronic Engineering, he became a wise and boring civil servant of large companies, in which he was one of many.

Everything changed during a trip between New Jersey and Seattle. In the middle of the journey he wondered if, if he continued as he was going, at 80 years old he was going to feel comfortable with the life he had led. The answer was negative and it was then that he made the decision to do something more momentous. After becoming one of the most powerful businessmen in the world, he made his famous decalogue. Let’s see what it tells us in it.

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1. Make bold bets

When you want to go far, shyness doesn’t help. One of the keys to professional success is to go a little further in setting goals.

Boldness is taking unusual actions that involve risks, but with the confidence that it will be possible to overcome the difficulties that arise. Boldness goes into paralysis without confidence.

2. Take fierce steps

The second of the keys to success, according to Jeff Bezzos, is to move forward with confidence and firmness, stepping firmly. When he speaks of “fierce steps” he refers to aggressive actions, in the good sense of the word. If the opportunity is there and you see it, move on, don’t be afraid to take it. If it is not there, fight to build it or to find it, without lukewarmness.

3. Earn a good reputation

A good reputation is one of the most important assets that a professional can count on. Having prestige shortens the way to get anywhere. More than a bulky resume or a large number of contacts, impeccable reputation is a factor that opens many doors and the fertile ground where proposals rain.

4. Take action, one of the keys to professional success

One of the common mistakes is to convince yourself that certain conditions are needed to start acting. Under this paradigm of thought, it is most likely that plans will be postponed again and again, because the ideal conditions for taking action will hardly be configured. If you want to be successful, start now, even if there are many opposing factors.

5. Find harmony in life

It is not possible to be a good professional if prior to this you have not managed to harmonize  with yourself. One of the keys to professional success is to achieve a more or less stable personal balance point. Otherwise, it is very likely that personal shortcomings or difficulties end up boycotting work or entrepreneurship projects.

6. Execute your idea

Good ideas aren’t until reality backs them up with its course. So it is not enough to think and create, but this must be translated into concrete works, only in that way do you check the validity of what you have thought or conceived. Do not save the initiatives, rather seek to materialize them as soon as you can. The thought experiments are very good, but those that are executed will always be more real and with more adjusted data.

7. Have role models

For Jeff Bezzos, examples, role models, are very important. A figure who is admired serves as a reference for one’s own growth. It also provides a framework, in terms of values ​​and means, to guide action. In the same way, a role model is a motivating factor and that, especially at the beginning, serves as a mirror in which to look at yourself.

8. Do what you love

Not just Jeff Bezzos, but a host of successful people emphasize the importance of loving what you do. Without interest and passion for projects, it becomes very difficult to carry them out. For everyone, the road is arduous and involves many obstacles. When there is not enough motivation, it becomes easy to give up. And what gives motivation is that love for an activity, idea or dream.

Woman with arms up

9. Be a team player

As the old African proverb says “ If you want to go fast, walk alone; if you want to go far, go together ”. Nothing more certain. A good player supports and leans on others, brings out the best in others and brings the best he has. You go far when you add strengths and advance together. Success depends a lot on the ability to build symbiotic synergies.

10. Think long term

Another key to professional success is to avoid falling into immediate or short-term perspectives. There are not a few who fall in love with their first achievements and think that the road is over, that success is an issue that should be taken for granted. It is not like this. Achieving what you want is a job that never ends and, therefore, requires a long-term vision.

The keys to professional success, as you can see, are principles that call, above all, to believe in yourself, dream big and not be overcome by fear. What is needed to move forward, more than anything else, is making the decision to move forward. The rest will come in addition.

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