Happiness Is Made Up Of Little Bits Of Joy

Happiness is made up of little bits of joy

Perhaps we all know what happiness is, but defining it costs us work, what is happiness?  What is it made of? Does it constantly invade us or is it made up of small pieces that touch our soul when we least expect it and also when We provoke it? Why, instead of lamenting saying that we are not happy, do we not provoke our own happiness?

And it is that perhaps happiness is not a circumstance but rather an attitude. Perhaps it does not depend so much on money or material things that we have, on whether we are doing better or worse at work, on whether we have more or less money. Perhaps happiness depends on things as simple as enjoying a sunny day in the company of your loved ones, taking a walk hand in hand with your grandson or your child, or having a good chocolate brownie. What do you think?.

What is happiness?

Obviously everyone will have their own idea of ​​what happiness is. But sometimes when life tests us, we realize that many things that we thought were the ones that made up our particular puzzle have changed.

Woman walking among flowers smiling and happy

Those pieces are no longer made up of material things, of feeling that we are the most handsome of the party and a long etc. Now being able to see the sun every day or smell the scent of flowers has acquired a new dimension …


A nice list of happiness with little bits of joy

Probably each of us has his own list and together we could make a huge list, but in the meantime, do you agree with these statements about happiness, the one that gives us life in small but delicious portions?

  • Waking up in the middle of the night and seeing in the alarm clock that there are still 5 hours to get up. And there is no greater pleasure than being able to enjoy sleep. Sleep brings well-being to our body and mind.
  • Eat a brownie while they kiss you on the cheek. Chocolate and kisses… is there anything better than that? Pure endorphins.
  • Feel the embrace of that little boy you love so much. Children have an infinite capacity to make us feel loved and therefore happy. Feel the embrace of that child you love so much and always keep that moment forever in your heart.
  • See your favorite movie with sweets, chocolates and popcorn. Movies distract us, evade us from our reality that sometimes looks ugly. When you’re in one of those moments, put on a movie. A very simple way to have a little piece of happiness.
  • Laugh nonstop at a joke. Laughing is so healthy! Laugh out loud, you will see how happiness floods you and your defenses go up! And it is that laughter is a good ally of happiness and therefore of health.
Girlfriends smiling in the field
  • Do what you like the most without rushing or stress: cooking, going for a walk, riding a bike or skating. Why do we have to stress even in moments of relaxation?
  • Feel a sincere hug. Is there something healthier, more sincere and that fills us with greater happiness than a simple hug? Hugs are a great source of emotions and pleasant sensations.
  • Listen to your favorite music at full volume. Music is a great balm for our soul. It is proven that music is capable of awakening the endorphins of happiness. Enjoy the music.
  • A while with friends.   Relating to others, as long as they are positive and good people for us, helps us to endure bad times.

Learn to be happy!

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