5 Keys To Expressing Emotional Pain

5 keys to expressing emotional pain

Expressing emotional pain has become unpopular. Although no human being escapes suffering, it has become common to reject it. Arms are open for those who are “positive” and have “good energy.” The eyes and ears are closed for those who suffer, because it seems that pain is a contagious evil.

The truth is that human beings, sooner or later, experience suffering. Some more than others, but we all feel it sometime. In these circumstances it is essential to be able to express emotional pain. Suppressing it makes it stronger and prevents it from being processed.

The downside is that many times we do not know how to express emotional pain. Ultimately, words always fall short. But in addition to this, many times they are not enough to alleviate that suffering. Therefore, we give you some keys that will allow you to express what you feel in a more effective way.

1. Say it out loud

Although it may not seem like it, there is a big difference between thinking about pain and saying it out loud. The thought is wrapped in words. We also maintain a constant internal dialogue. However, this does not require greater order or precision in ideas.

Woman raising her voice

When things are said out loud an interesting process occurs. The ideas must be ordered so that the message is coherent and understandable. The facts must also be specified and specified, to make them understood. That is why saying it out loud helps to do catharsis. You don’t even have to tell someone else. You just have to say it for yourself. Hopefully you record it and listen to yourself.

2. Learn to relieve tension with relaxing activities

Suffering gives you greater emotional tension. There is a feeling of displeasure and discomfort that is difficult to get rid of. It is also possible that we fall into states of extreme alertness, or annoying numbness.

Nothing better than exercise to eliminate some of that emotional overload. Physical activity changes our focus of attention. It also activates neural processes that induce a greater feeling of well-being.

3. Explain, something fundamental to express emotional pain

People have become very intolerant of the suffering of others. This is why expressing emotional pain to others is sometimes so difficult. You do not want to upset others, nor do you want to feel their rejection. However, sometimes it is impossible, at least momentarily, to shake off that gloomy mood.

friends talking in cafeteria symbolizing the art of expressing emotional pain

The best thing in these cases is to explain to others the process we are going through. Let them see that we are going through a difficult time and that we may not automatically get out of there, but we must still process what we feel. In this way, other people will have more elements of judgment to interpret what happens to us, without this leading to conflict.

4. Avoid conflict around what you feel

The usual thing is that suffering also leads us to be more irritable and, at times, intolerant of the world. Sometimes we fall into the temptation to channel our frustrations and discomforts by antagonizing others.

It is important to prevent this from happening, because in the end it will only add more weight to the situation you already carry. That is why the indicated thing is simply not to enter into discussions with anyone, regarding anything. If you do, you may end up in a conflict that is not going to do you any good. Better avoid confrontations.

5. Keep a journal

The diary is a tool that has been used since ancient times for different purposes. One of them, expressing emotional pain. Just as there is a reorganization of ideas when moving from thought to spoken language, there is also a new, deeper and more precise reorganization in written language.

woman writing at sunrise symbolizing the art of expressing emotional pain

The act of writing constitutes a path of catharsis. But in addition to that, it gives you a new perspective. When you read what you have written, you see yourself a bit from the outside. This helps to process emotions better and to put everything in a rational framework. Sometimes, too, to give a creative outlet to suffering.

All these means of expressing emotional pain are very valuable. Any option is better than shutting up, suppressing or keeping yourself defenseless in the face of pain. You have to take it out, release it, through all the means at your fingertips. Expressing it is the only way to process and overcome it.

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