I Am Already That Woman Who Does Not Need To Prove Anything To Anyone

I am already that woman who does not need to prove anything to anyone

I am that woman who no longer needs to prove anything to anyone. Long ago I got tired of pleasing, of giving explanations to deaf ears, of moving mountains for whom not even gave me their respect. I am everything you see: frankness, integrity, courage and dignity.

These ideas would very well summarize what we know as personal fulfillment. They are small daily challenges to overcome to finally get rid of all those “layers of onion” that have been taking us away not only from our happiness, but also from the opportunities to achieve a certain achievement. A goal.

There are many women who every day fight for that personal fulfillment, sometimes so complex to achieve.

Facts such as the wage gap, job discrimination or even having to face phrases like ” you can’t, you don’t know, you shouldn’t” make them have to fight a double battle. The exterior and that more intimate, deeper and necessary: ​​the emotional, the psychological …

girl with flower

The continuing need to have to prove to be “validated”

Love must be “validated” daily, there is no doubt, but sometimes we fall into situations where affection becomes almost extortion. Obviously, it can happen for both genders equally, but it is more common that it is the woman who is obliged to demonstrate that she is capable of doing everything for her spouse, putting aside her needs and desires to meet the expectations of others.

We have to be good daughters to our parents, to our family, even if it has failed us one day in and another every time we take a step or project a dream. Before long, they would give it a final point with “that’s not for you . We have long pleased and even drawn smiles when what we felt was despair.

In spite of everything, there always comes a day when more than opening our eyes, we finally turn on that internal light that connects directly with our emotions to say “enough”. It is then when we realize that the only person to whom we have to demonstrate something is not to others, but to ourselves.

Something that we are all clear about is that we cannot be “complete people” by keeping ourselves apart from others. Each of us has very important social and emotional commitments: jobs, partners, family. Is it possible to aspire to that personal fulfillment with all these spheres?

Personal fulfillment is precisely inscribed in the need that all our spheres, the work, the affective and the personal, offer us the maximum fullness and balance. We need harmony. If we see ourselves every day in the obligation to demonstrate certain things to be “validated” as people, something is not right.

The fact that our abilities at work are always questioned or that our partner asks us, for example, that we stay at home to show him “how much we love him”, are aspects that will end up completely violating our self-esteem.

We must also understand that before proving anything to anyone, we must prove it to ourselves. Do not look for complacency or approval in others or else, it will be others who rise up as judges and executioners, as craftsmen of a path that you must build yourself.

The eternal need to prove something that we are not or to seek the pleasure of others, is little more than a form of slow torture that may never end. Do not allow it, be authentic, always be yourself and do not trade your integrity at the cost of the loss of happiness.

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