The 4 Personalities Of Emotional Vampires

We have often heard of toxic personalities and emotional vampires. Who are they? How do they work? What can we do against them?
The 4 personalities of emotional vampires

A good social environment is one formed by people who transmit positive emotions and good values ​​to us. However, unfortunately not all people bring us positive experiences. The truth is that sometimes emotional vampires hide among them. In this article we will discuss the personalities of emotional vampires.

People who bring valuable elements to the relationship increase the desire to want to be with them and exchange moments. Generally, the treatment with them is cordial and sincere. But, sometimes, it is inevitable to meet people who tend to destabilize us emotionally.

Sad woman thinking about her life looking out the window

Emotional vampire personalities

Two elements are characteristic of emotional vampires. The main one is time , since to be able to get closer to the person with whom they want to create a bond they need perseverance and gain their trust. The moment they enjoy their sympathy, they begin to bring into play the second concept: proximity. In this way, they begin to take advantage of each other’s sensitive points and use them to their advantage. In addition, it can be a friend, a family member or even your partner.

The more trust and proximity there is in the relationship with an emotional vampire, the more difficult it is to overcome and combat the negative emotional effects that it can generate on us. Next, let’s look at the different types of vampire personalities that exist:

1. Personalities of Emotional Vampires: The Negative Personality

Negative personalities of emotional vampires are primarily tasked with making you feel inferior. For this, all your achievements, initiatives, opinions, etc., everything that has to do with or comes from you, will be valued as something negative. In addition, they will take care of letting you know by all means.

The most important drawback is that if you question the way of acting of an emotional vampire with a negative personality, he will surely justify himself by saying that he only “seeks the best for you . After a time around this person, you will realize that his way of expressing himself is constantly based on destructive criticism.

2. Victim personality

Victimist-type emotional vampire personalities is really exhausting. The most characteristic thing is that they will always blame others for all their evils and will talk to you about how unfair life is with them. They will complain constantly without an iota of self-criticism.

A basic feature to keep in mind when we talk about a victimizing personality is that it is difficult to find healthy emotional support in them. They will always give more importance to their world and problems over yours. Also, it will not take time to listen to you and focus on what is happening to you. Much less offer you unconditional help if you need it.

3. Non-empathic personality

Another characteristic of emotional vampire personalities is their lack of empathy. Empathy is an essential component of interpersonal intelligence, a term created by Howard Gardner. With this we refer to the cognitive ability of a person to understand the emotional universe of another.

Woman looking at another with envy

A person shows us that they do not have empathy, they are selfish, they take actions optimism

4. Melancholic and violent personality

As we mentioned earlier, emotional vampires will tend to see the negative side of things. In addition, at all times they will be reluctant to new alternatives. They are usually difficult people to convince, who will try to convey their vital creed of negativity and bad feelings . Many times, they let out their traumas and frustrations in the form of bad gestures and attitudes towards others and their own life. Also, through anger, rage and pride.

In conclusion, emotional vampires are those people who are characterized by being negative, lacking in empathy and positive emotions, and who try to make us feel bad as a momentary relief to their frustrations and traumas.

Finally, at La Mente es Maravillosa we have an online course on Emotional Vampires taught by Pilar Muñoz and Cristina Franco de Miguel. This course can help you identify these types of personalities and know how to protect yourself and deal with them.

Emotional vampires

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