9 Nice Side Effects Of Falling In Love

9 cute side effects of falling in love

When Paulo Coelho said “ there is no love in peace. It is always accompanied by agonies, ecstasy, intense joys and deep sadness ”, he forgot one more consequence. Without a doubt, there are a number of nice side effects of falling in love, as we see today.

Because the intense emotions and passion that is experienced during falling in love also causes changes in humans. These occur on both a behavioral and physical level.

Side effects of falling in love

Love is a complex emotion. In fact, it is capable of altering our way of seeing reality. That’s how powerful it is to be in love. For this reason, many scientific studies have focused on investigating the changes that occur in the brain, and in general in the human body, when it is under this state. In fact, as we can see, some of these changes are really peculiar, strange and even nice.

Impaired concentration

The first of the side effects of falling in love that we talk about comes from the hand of Henk van Steenbergen, from the University of Leiden, in the Netherlands.

Woman with eyes closed thinking

According to this researcher, people deeply in love find it difficult to carry out tasks that require concentration and attention. This effect is especially noticeable at the beginning of relationships, when a large part of the cognitive resources are used to think about the lover.

It makes us fully euphoric

According to Lucy Brown, a neurologist at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York, and this is reinforced by the data obtained in MRIs, when we are in love, we are also especially excited.

Thus, in our brain there is an effect similar to the consumption of psychotropic substances, since our neural networks interpret it in this way. The state is such that we can even lose track of reality and time.

We are less sensitive to pain

Psychologist Arthur Aron, from Stony Brook University in New York, says that many areas of the brain are activated by intense love. Some of these regions are also those that are activated when drugs are used to reduce the sensation of pain. Sometimes it can be as simple as holding the hand of your loved one to achieve this effect. Interesting, right?

Falling in love leads you to slow down

Let’s go with one of the most sympathetic side effects of falling in love. Could it be that we are so happy that we don’t want time to pass? Be that as it may, men especially are affected. But the reality, according to research, is more prosaic. It is simply because men adapt their walking pace to that of their beloved when they walk together.

Couple walking on the beach

The heartbeats of both lovers keep pace

This side effect is really romantic. And it is that according to various scientific studies, the heartbeat tends to synchronize when lovers are together.

Is this cheesy or really beautiful? Your view of this effect could depend on your degree of infatuation, right?

Voice sharpens

Many people, falling in love, feel rejuvenated. Is it because of this that your voice becomes higher? The truth is, no. The answer, according to research, is that lovers tend to imitate the voices of their loved ones as a sign of affection, respect and shared identity.

Love blinds us

But no, you will not stop seeing, no matter how blind love is. However, a person who thinks a lot about his loved one, unconsciously looks away from other people considered attractive. In fact, there is even a name for this phenomenon, the unconscious attention bias.

Woman covering her eyes with hearts drawn on her hands

Dilated pupils

Science also stipulates that when we are in love, our pupils appear more dilated. This phenomenon is associated with the emotional state that we live, of enormous intensity. Thus, in the early stages of a relationship, our eyes will seem like the mirror of the soul, as is popularly said.

You get braver … and reckless

Love allows us to have blind faith in the other person. In fact, according to studies, men especially show a great predisposition to take risks in order to conquer and dazzle their partner or potential lover.

You already know of many side effects of falling in love that are actually curious and cute. Now, if you have love, to enjoy yourself, and if it is not the case, you already know a little better what changes that falling into this state could produce in you.

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