7 Strange Emotions We All Experience Sometime

7 strange emotions we all experience once

There are common emotions that we have all experienced. Fear, when there is something that threatens us. Anger, when someone attacks us or makes us feel bad. I like it when they say nice words to us … Anyway. They are daily emotions, which we all know. However, from time to time some strange emotions appear that baffle us.

Not because they are strange emotions are alien to most people. Conversely. Many of us have experienced them. What we do not explain is where they came from or why they appeared, sometimes at the least opportune moment.

This time we are going to talk a little about those strange emotions that arise suddenly and leave us with a great question. What is curious is also that it has not been possible to establish a name for them. That is why you have to describe them, rather than name them. These are seven of them.

1. Sudden and temporary loss of self-confidence

This is an annoying feeling in which a strong feeling of inferiority is combined with shame , frustration and shyness. From one moment to the next we feel completely incapable or useless without knowing exactly why.

Teen boy looking in the mirror feeling strange emotions

2. Sadness and joy at the same time, one of the strange emotions

Another of those strange emotions occurs when joy and sadness intermingle. We cannot say in what proportion each of them is present. We just feel that both emotions coexist. We even want to cry, happiness and melancholy at the same time.

This type of sensation appears with some frequency when we contemplate something that has an enormous beauty. Maybe a landscape, or a work of art. Also when we appreciate the sign of something bad on a beautiful and sublime object, like a beautiful flower with one of its petals broken or damaged.

3. Everything happens very quickly and you are about to miss a great opportunity

This is one of the strange sensations that appears when we are changing from one stage to another in terms of age. What they commonly call the crisis of the 30s, or the 40s, or the 50s. In these phases, the impression that time is passing too quickly is frequent.

clock that marks the now symbolizing what it is to feel strange emotions

But not only that. We also have the feeling that we are “missing out on something”, although we do not know how to define what. It is simply as if we missed the train that has already left and will not return. This is when there is a certain anxiety or haste to find an opportunity to replace the loss.

4. Everything is going to be fine, even if it doesn’t seem like it

This is one of the strange sensations that are also very pleasant. We have all experienced it at some time and for it there is a word that defines it: pronoia. This term is technical and means the opposite of paranoia.

Thanks to that feeling, we  experience the world with unusual optimism and hope. We have an internal certainty that tells us that everything will be fine. We also feel as if there is nothing that could stand in our way, far greater and powerful than the obstacles we anticipate.

5. A gigantic void when someone has visited us and then leaves

It is normal for us to feel sad when someone we love visits us and then leaves. However, there are times when that feeling takes on superlative dimensions. Even if the person is not gone forever.

Man looking out a window feeling strange emotions

That someone leaves and leaves an unfathomable emptiness in our soul. Sometimes we come to have a feeling that we will not see him again, even if there is no reason to think so. The truth is that we take it as a final goodbye and it generates a duel. However, this wears off quickly.

6. The impulse to jump into the void when we are in a place of great height

Sometimes we are in a place of great height and from one moment to another we feel as if the emptiness is seducing us. Then a contradictory desire to throw ourselves appears and at the same time fear of what we are feeling.

Some point out that this is one of those strange sensations that is born of a hidden desire to “risk life. In other words, of recklessly facing danger. In some cultures this sensation is known as “the call of the void.”

7. Momentarily abandoning oneself to the care of someone who loves us

It is another of those strange and pleasant sensations that we sometimes experience. It consists of a very intense desire to feel like a fragile and dependent child again. It appears when we are with someone who loves us and with whom we feel safe.

thinking couple feeling strange emotions

It is a desire like not wanting to know about oneself, but for the other to take charge of our life. It is not a long-lasting state, but it is very strong when it appears. In fact, we can stop thinking and abandon each other in those wonderful moments.

These strange emotions have in common the fact that they combine several basic emotions at the same time. That is why they seem rare to us and that is why almost none of them is durable. They are like a flash that appears and disappears when we least think about it.

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