6 Infusions To Relax

6 infusions to relax

We live in a hurry, out of time and stressed. The fast pace of our day to day consumes us. Therefore, when we get home or before going to bed, it is convenient to reserve a few minutes to release all the stress that we have accumulated. One of the best ways we have to catch our breath is through fluid intake. And more specifically, making use of certain infusions to relax.

Without a doubt, it is one of the fastest, most comfortable and healthy options. Herbal teas have natural properties that, in addition to helping us sleep better, relieve tension and nervousness. However, we must know how to regulate the doses, since, in excess, everything can be detrimental to our health.


Although it has already spread to all parts of the world, this famous plant is of European origin. Currently, it is one of the most used to treat mainly anxiety and insomnia problems. 

Mug with valerian

Valerian is one of the best infusions to relax due to its sedative effect. Its properties directly affect the central nervous system, allowing to  relieve, in addition to anxiety, feelings of sadness, nervousness or anguish. Hence, it is considered a good ally to quit smoking.

In addition, valerian reduces the amount of time it takes a person to fall asleep, which makes them rest for a longer number of hours and improves circulation by stabilizing the heart rate, fighting against possible arrhythmias. For all these reasons, this infusion with a pleasant flavor is  highly recommended for students who are in exam time and for all those people who have difficulty falling asleep or suffer from anxiety.

Lemon balm or lemon balm

This aromatic plant has multiple benefits for health and mental well-being. It is a powerful remedy against nervousness, anxiety and stress. In addition, it is used to treat a large number of conditions and ailments. It also has sedative and antispasmodic properties, which help improve digestive and intestinal function.

It is funny how this infusion to relax is especially useful when it comes to relieving muscle aches and avoiding cramps and contractures. To do this, you can add a little lemon balm to the bath water and enjoy all its benefits relaxed.


Of oriental origin, like valerian, it is one of the best herbal teas to calm the nerves and fall asleep, in addition to other applications. For example, digestive problems or catarrhal processes. It can even work as a natural anti-inflammatory, since  when mixed with chamomile or lemon balm it acts as a pain reliever against headaches. 

If you have insomnia or anxiety problems, linden is highly recommended. It is enough to take it 15 minutes before going to bed to rest deeply.



Somewhat more unknown than the previous ones, kava, native to the South Pacific, is a very effective choice to fight anxiety.  It is a kind of submenta and has relaxing, sedative and hypnotic properties, but also some contraindications.

Kava has been used by Toans, Fijians or Samoans for more than 2,000 years, it is the fetish drink of their ceremonies and welcome parties. Its usefulness lies in its high capacity to generate and maintain a good mood and a positive attitude. At the same time, it does not produce euphoria, but a very pleasant feeling of relaxation. This is why it is one of the infusions to relax par excellence.

But beware! Its maximum recommended daily use ranges between 30 and 70 mg. There are indications that it may have hepatic contraindications and it is preferable that people with neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease do not ingest it.


Hops may not be known for its relaxing characteristics, as it is one of the four basic ingredients in beer. In addition, its characteristic bitter taste comes from a vine-like plant, related to that of cannabis, but without any narcotic properties of the latter.

Hops is a very effective herb for fighting alterations in the nervous system that cause alertness, anxiety, nervousness, depression or stress. It also has the ability to relieve muscle cramps, facilitate digestion, and fight insomnia.


In addition to “settling the body” after poor digestion, chamomile has calming, sedative and antioxidant properties. In combination with lavender, its incidence on anxiety and stress is greater. For this reason, it is also a powerful sleep conciliator and has a relaxing role during the rest of the day.

Woman taking chamomile

All these infusions to relax can be taken both hot and cold since their properties are not altered by it. It is enough to know how to choose the herbs that best suit our tastes and objectives and enjoy all their advantages. Among them, the fact that they do not contain chemicals and that, therefore, all the benefits they provide us are natural.

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