5 Benefits Of Getting Up Early And How To Get It

What are the benefits of getting up early? Can you help us make the most of the day? We tell you some of these advantages and how to put this action into practice every day.
5 benefits of getting up early and how to get it

There are people who find it easy to get up early and others who do not. However, it is a practice that can be cultivated and learned little by little to minimize the effort that may be involved. In addition, it is not necessary that work forces us to adopt this routine, we can also do it for the benefits of getting up early.

Getting up early can help us to make the most of the day, to promote other healthy habits, to have a little moment of peace and calm during the morning … All this and more! Do not miss its benefits and how to get up early is a simple task, through simple tricks. Take note!

Woman in bed waking up

Benefits of getting up early

Yes, yes, many of us are lazy to get up early … for others it is not so difficult, because each person is different. However, whether you are in the first or second group, be attentive because the benefits of getting up early exist for everyone! Here are some of them:

You increase productivity

If we have rested well, the logical thing is that in the morning we are more productive than throughout the day (since the energy is depleted little by little, during the course of it). Thus, getting up early can help you increase productivity, especially if you have a lot to do and want to make the most of the day.

You take more advantage of the day

In line with the previous point, and continuing with what has been said, getting up early allows us to make the most of the day, since we have more hours ahead of us to do the things we want or have to do. It is logical: more time, more possibilities to take advantage of it.

You become more aware

Another benefit of getting up early is that this small action allows you to become more aware of things. That is, when we wake up early, we have an “extra” moment a day to enjoy silence, to think (and even meditate) and therefore, to be more aware of the present and of what we have (which, in turn, allows us to foster gratitude).

In relation to meditation, Daniel Goleman, doctor in Psychology from Harvard University, and Richard J. Davidson, professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, tell in their book The benefits of meditation  that this ancient practice, more Beyond facilitating states of calm, it can transform the personality. More and more research wants to shed light on the benefits of this seemingly healthy practice.

In short: getting up early allows you, in addition to meditating, to enjoy a small moment of the day in solitude and silence. This can help you build that peace of mind that we so often need.

You enjoy the sunrise

Enjoying the sunrise is another of the benefits of getting up early. And it is that, what more beautiful landscape can you think of than one in which it dawns? It can be a good time to connect with yourself, to enjoy the beauty of nature or simply to appreciate the small moments of the day in silence.

You promote healthy habits

The fact of getting up early will help you promote healthy lifestyle habits: the very fact of getting up early, but also having dinner and sleeping early. That is, to get up early in good conditions we need to go to sleep early, to be able to sleep the hours our body needs to rest and recharge (in adults, the ideal is between 7 and 9 hours each night).

In this sense, sleep hygiene encompasses a series of techniques to promote quality sleep. On the other hand, and as a curious fact, according to a study published by the  Barcelona Institute of Global Health (ISGlobal) , as part of the MCC-Spain project, having  dinner soon could have great health benefits. Specifically, according to the study, having dinner before 9 at night and going to sleep a couple of hours later could reduce the risk of developing a breast or prostate tumor by 20%.

How to get it?

We have mentioned some of the benefits of getting up early, but… How can we make getting up early an easy practice to apply? We leave you some  tips  to incorporate this routine into your daily habits.

Put the alarm clock away from the bed

Although it seems silly, placing the alarm clock away from your bed will force you to get up when it rings. The fact of having to get out of bed yes or yes (with all the laziness that this implies) to turn off the alarm, can help you to clear up and, why not say it, to wake up.

Read a book before bed

Try reading before going to sleep, in the same bed or out of it. You will see how little by little the dream comes more easily; This practice is especially useful if you haven’t gotten into the habit of going to sleep early and want to practice it.

As we said before, to get up early in conditions it is best to go to sleep early. Mind you, use a book, not an ebook ! (the light emitted by the screens makes it difficult to induce sleep).

Woman reading in bed

Plan a good breakfast

Perhaps preparing a good breakfast motivates you to get out of bed. Treat yourself (you can do it without stopping eating healthy) and visualize that great breakfast that awaits you if you get up already. It does not fail! Oh, and don’t forget the morning coffee:  whoever gets up early, a good coffee helps.

Plan the morning

To encourage our motivation to get up early, try planning your morning. Include work tasks, but also small moments for yourself, reinforcements or small rewards. Having goals will motivate you to start the day, and will help you encourage this practice.

As the saying goes:  “God helps those who get up early “. And it is that getting up early allows us to start enjoying the day with greater awareness. For this, it will be important to also work on sleep hygiene habits, since getting up early without having rested can be detrimental to health. In addition, nobody likes to be tired all day … On the other hand, getting up early after a good night’s sleep can be very rewarding, and will allow you to focus your day with more energy. Test it!

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